Market Street is a major street and important thoroughfare in San Francisco, California. It begins at the Ferry Building at the northeastern edge of the city and runs southwest through downtown. San Francisco Register building is located on the Market Street near the Ferry Building.
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- Market Street
- Market Street
- Market Street
- Market street
| - Market Street is a major street and important thoroughfare in San Francisco, California. It begins at the Ferry Building at the northeastern edge of the city and runs southwest through downtown. San Francisco Register building is located on the Market Street near the Ferry Building.
- Market Street is a street in the northern part of Spielburg Town.
- Market Street is a great thoroughfare of Port Blacksand's Merchant District running north from the Main Gate to the Market Square. It has been described as mainly a long terrace. There is one particular house on the west side which stands alone and is set back with a large wooden kennel outside. It is a very wealthy house with a heavy oak front door. A fat wizard lives there and has been known to fire lightning bolts at unwelcome visitors. Further up Market Street is a small herbalist shop run by a Man-Orc.
- Market Street is the first area of the first level in BioShock Infinite's downloadable content, Burial at Sea - Episode 1. The place consists of a strip of shops, residential complexes, and various businesses, with the street over-looking other buildings in Rapture.
- On the west side of the street there are Armor, Weapons, General Goods and Shield Merchants. On the east side, in addition to the Accessories and Potion Merchants, a special shop called Renovations and Restorations offers an array of services to change weapons and armor.
- Market is a street in Bayport. Pine Street intersects this street.
- Market Street is an east-west street in Philadelphia going from Front Street in Penn's Landing to Pennsylvania Route 3 in Upper Darby Township.
- Market street is een bekende straat in de stad San Francisco op de planeet Aarde. Toen Samuel Clemens naar het San Francisco van 1893 terugreisde uit de 24e eeuw, kwam hij in Market street terecht, in plaats van op de bedoelde locatie, een grot onder de stad. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Deel II") Seven of Nine werd door een gemodificeerd hologram van Reginald Barclay verteld dat er een parade gehouden zou worden op Market street wanneer de USS Voyager terug zou keren naar de Aarde. (VOY: "Inside Man") Categorie:Aardse geografie de:Market Street en:Market Street fr:Market Street
- Die Market Street ist eine der wichtigsten Durchgangsstraßen in San Francisco auf der Erde. Nachdem Samuel Clemens das 24. Jahrhundert besucht hat, reist er über das Zeitportal auf Devidia II zurück ins Jahr 1893. Clemens erscheint dabei direkt auf der Market Street. (TNG: )
- Market Street était une célèbre rue de la ville de San Francisco sur Terre. Lorsque Samuel Clemens voyagea dans le temps depuis le 24ème siècle pour revenir à son époque en 1893, il arriva sur Market Street et dut se dépêcher de rejoindre la caverne où il était censé atterrir pour retrouver Jean-Luc Picard. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II") Au 24ème siècle, le café Night Owl était situé sur cette rue. (VOY: "In the Flesh")
- Market Street was a famous street in the city of San Francisco on Earth. When Samuel Clemens traveled back to the San Francisco of 1893 from 2369, he arrived on Market Street instead of the intended location, a cavern under the city. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II" ) In the 20th century, Powell & Mason, a cable car route for the San Francisco Municipal Railway, had a stop at Powell and Market. This stop was mentioned in a destination sign on the front of the car. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) During the 24th century, the coffee shop Night Owl was located here. (VOY: "In the Flesh")
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| - Buildings and NPCs from west to east and north to south on the street:
- is in north Venore. It touches to the west, to the north west, to the south west, crosses , and touches to the south east and in the east.
- * Seagull Walk 1
* Market Street 1
* Market Street 2
* Market Street 3
* Market Street 4 (Shop)
* Market Street 5 (Shop)
* Crunor's Finest Warehouse
** Rose
** Rodney
** Livielle
** Talesia
* Market Street 6
* Plank and Treasurechest
** Allen
** Borkas
** Yulas
* Market Street 7
* Jean Claude, outside House of Wealth
* House of Wealth
** Carina,
** Rokyn
** Odemara
** Dagomir
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| - Market Street is a major street and important thoroughfare in San Francisco, California. It begins at the Ferry Building at the northeastern edge of the city and runs southwest through downtown. San Francisco Register building is located on the Market Street near the Ferry Building.
- Market Street is a street in the northern part of Spielburg Town.
- Market Street était une célèbre rue de la ville de San Francisco sur Terre. Lorsque Samuel Clemens voyagea dans le temps depuis le 24ème siècle pour revenir à son époque en 1893, il arriva sur Market Street et dut se dépêcher de rejoindre la caverne où il était censé atterrir pour retrouver Jean-Luc Picard. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II") Au 24ème siècle, le café Night Owl était situé sur cette rue. (VOY: "In the Flesh") En 2377, lorsqu'un hologramme de Reginald Barclay modifié par les Ferengis tenta de duper l'équipage de l'USS Voyager, il indiqua à Seven of Nine qu'une parade allait être organisée sur Market Street dès que le Voyager retournerait sur Terre. (VOY: "Inside Man").
- Market Street was a famous street in the city of San Francisco on Earth. When Samuel Clemens traveled back to the San Francisco of 1893 from 2369, he arrived on Market Street instead of the intended location, a cavern under the city. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II" ) In the 20th century, Powell & Mason, a cable car route for the San Francisco Municipal Railway, had a stop at Powell and Market. This stop was mentioned in a destination sign on the front of the car. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) During the 24th century, the coffee shop Night Owl was located here. (VOY: "In the Flesh") When a Ferengi-modified hologram of Reginald Barclay tried to lure the USS Voyager into a trap, it told Seven of Nine that there would be a ticker tape parade on Market Street once Voyager returned to Earth. (VOY: "Inside Man")
- Market Street is a great thoroughfare of Port Blacksand's Merchant District running north from the Main Gate to the Market Square. It has been described as mainly a long terrace. There is one particular house on the west side which stands alone and is set back with a large wooden kennel outside. It is a very wealthy house with a heavy oak front door. A fat wizard lives there and has been known to fire lightning bolts at unwelcome visitors. Further up Market Street is a small herbalist shop run by a Man-Orc.
- Market Street is the first area of the first level in BioShock Infinite's downloadable content, Burial at Sea - Episode 1. The place consists of a strip of shops, residential complexes, and various businesses, with the street over-looking other buildings in Rapture.
- On the west side of the street there are Armor, Weapons, General Goods and Shield Merchants. On the east side, in addition to the Accessories and Potion Merchants, a special shop called Renovations and Restorations offers an array of services to change weapons and armor.
- Market is a street in Bayport. Pine Street intersects this street.
- Market Street is an east-west street in Philadelphia going from Front Street in Penn's Landing to Pennsylvania Route 3 in Upper Darby Township.
- Die Market Street ist eine der wichtigsten Durchgangsstraßen in San Francisco auf der Erde. Nachdem Samuel Clemens das 24. Jahrhundert besucht hat, reist er über das Zeitportal auf Devidia II zurück ins Jahr 1893. Clemens erscheint dabei direkt auf der Market Street. (TNG: ) 2377 versucht das Hologramm von Reginald Barclay Seven of Nine davon zu überzeugen sich auf die Rückkehr zur Erde zu freuen. Das Hologramm erwähnt, dass die Sternenflotte wenn die USS Voyager zur Erde zurückkehrt, Partys und eine Konfettiparade auf der Market Street veranstalten wird. Doch Seven erklärt, dass sie an keine dieser Veranstaltungen teilnehmen wird. Doch das Barclay-Hologramm erklärt ihr, dass sie als ehemalige Borg, welche aus dem Kollektiv befreit wurde, den Leuten Hoffnung geben wird. (VOY: )
- Market street is een bekende straat in de stad San Francisco op de planeet Aarde. Toen Samuel Clemens naar het San Francisco van 1893 terugreisde uit de 24e eeuw, kwam hij in Market street terecht, in plaats van op de bedoelde locatie, een grot onder de stad. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Deel II") Seven of Nine werd door een gemodificeerd hologram van Reginald Barclay verteld dat er een parade gehouden zou worden op Market street wanneer de USS Voyager terug zou keren naar de Aarde. (VOY: "Inside Man") Categorie:Aardse geografie de:Market Street en:Market Street fr:Market Street
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