| - Tropes Associated With Tommy:
* The Ace
* Badass Adorable
* Big Brother Instinct: Towards Dil.
* Bald of Awesome
* Catch Phrase: "A baby's gotta do, what a baby's gotta do" and after the movie, "Hang on to your diapies, babies".
* Characterization Marches On: In the earliest episodes, Tommy was a regular baby with no distinguishable personality--an infant version of The Everyman or The Standardized Leader. Later Tommy begins to develop a stronger personality, becoming a brave Determinator who loves adventure. It can be pretty strange to see Tommy being relatively quiet and cautious in his solo adventures. E.G Daily herself even mentions that Tommy was more baby-like and tiny in the earlier episodes, but as time went by, he got alot more mature and wiser in the show's
| - Tropes Associated With Tommy:
* The Ace
* Badass Adorable
* Big Brother Instinct: Towards Dil.
* Bald of Awesome
* Catch Phrase: "A baby's gotta do, what a baby's gotta do" and after the movie, "Hang on to your diapies, babies".
* Characterization Marches On: In the earliest episodes, Tommy was a regular baby with no distinguishable personality--an infant version of The Everyman or The Standardized Leader. Later Tommy begins to develop a stronger personality, becoming a brave Determinator who loves adventure. It can be pretty strange to see Tommy being relatively quiet and cautious in his solo adventures. E.G Daily herself even mentions that Tommy was more baby-like and tiny in the earlier episodes, but as time went by, he got alot more mature and wiser in the show's 10th anniversary special documentary.
* Determinator: One of the youngest ones you'll find in fiction.
* The Hero
* Informed Judaism: Averted for a change; in addition to the token Hanukkah special, his family also celebrates Passover.
* Also, Boris and Minka are all the proof you need.
* Innocent Blue Eyes: As seen in the unaired pilot.
* Only Child Syndrome: Until the first movie that is.
* Plucky Boy
* Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Manly Man to Chuckie's Sensitive Guy.
* Vocal Evolution: In the first episodes, Tommy had a very raspy, quiet voice, and sounds downright feminine in the pilot.
* Write Who You Know: Tommy was based on Arlene Klasky and Gábor Csupó's son, and was named after co-creator Paul Germain's son, Thomas.