| - When a TV character wakes up in the morning (except one who's not a morning person), he or she is always impeccably groomed. You never see bed-head, stubbly beards, or crusty eyes unless it's a story point, and even then it's usually just to emphasize either a late night drinking with the boys, or a new baby that's making a lot of demands. In the very worst cases, women arise from eight hours' sleep with perfect makeup, sans the least little smudge. Examples of Wakeup Makeup include:
| - When a TV character wakes up in the morning (except one who's not a morning person), he or she is always impeccably groomed. You never see bed-head, stubbly beards, or crusty eyes unless it's a story point, and even then it's usually just to emphasize either a late night drinking with the boys, or a new baby that's making a lot of demands. In the very worst cases, women arise from eight hours' sleep with perfect makeup, sans the least little smudge. Often, this trope extends to characters emerging from a shower, swimming pool or the sea... or even to women who have no access to cosmetics whatsoever. In recent years this has begun to become a Discredited Trope, but it's still played straight in far too many shows. In animation this is usually due to a Lazy Artist's Limited Wardrobe extending to hair and makeup. Compare Morning Routine, where adding makeup/beautifying oneself will be shown. Examples of Wakeup Makeup include: