| - Glenn Marie Beck was a freak that was a popular baseball player back in the 25545434th Century. He is owned by the Crazy Guy's Association and such. No one knows what happened to Beck, but he died in a year other than the one specified.
- His role is to activise fox news watching neo cons enough for them to attend tea party events and assist the establishment republican strategists in taking over the movement
- Glenn Lee Beck is an insane Conservative Radio show host. He describes himself as a Libertarian but not a "crazy let's-get-rid-of-everything libertarian" Not everyone thinks he's actually Libertarian at all. He may be following the current fashion of claiming to be Libertarian among ultraright fringe figures) along with being a "Conservative but not a zombie." He is also a Mormon like Mitt Romney & Jon Huntsman
- Glenn Beck (1901-2012) is the wife of country pop singer Taylor Swift. Beck is the host of her own television show on MSNBC called I'm a Radical Leftist and Don't Belong on Fox News. Beck was born on Jupiter and came to America by swimming after the sinking of the Titanic.
- Glenn Beck has been a conservative radio talk show host since 2001. He hosts the Glenn Beck show on CNN Headline News. He was born in Washington and started in radio at the age of thirteen, when he won a local radio contest to be a DJ for an hour. Between the ages of thirteen and fourteen, he worked for a country music station, a Christian music station, and a rock station. By the age of eighteen, he had his own morning show. Despite his early success, he suffered from alcoholism and drug addiction, and by age thirty was facing divorce. He worked to recover, and remarried. In the process, he began a long and arduous search for faith, investigating churches and philosophies along with his family. He worked in Washington, Salt Lake and Florida. While working in Salt Lake he worked for Latter
- It is an honor to be here tonight. It is an honor to be in the greatest country god created, working for the most credible news station on the face of the earth, talking to the greatest people on earth - you, the American people. Despite this overwhelming honor, there is a great threat to this honor – progressivism. Progressivism is the cancer of America. It has been slowly but steadily rotting America as we knew it – in 1800. If left untreated, progressivism will be the downfall of America.
- Glenn Beck is a conservative populist talk show host now on Fox News. The fomer Roman Catholic with a drinking problem and now Mormon Beck offers daily servings of conservative "who to fear and hate" rhetoric. Like the more succesful Rush Limbaugh, Beck speaks to an audience that rarely encounters anyone not like themsekves under terms of social equality. Keith Olbermann described Beck's schtick as the "comfort of today's mythical homespun aw-shucks-TV-totalitarian-Lonesome-Rhodes." Comservative populist demogogues offer their audiences license to express their anxieties as hatred for the less powerful.
- Glenn Beck (a.k.a. Glanderson Booper) (born February 10, 1964) is an American right-wing and Mormon radio host and author. His crazy, bullshit conspiracy theories get featured on the show frequently. He is basically Alex Jones without the energy and charisma. He recently lost his syndication due to shifting his content from Right-Wing biased news (FOX especially) to conspiracy theories and was forced to create his own network to continue broadcasting his bullshit.