| - The Bulgarian territories of the Ottoman enter crisis as the war now comes from the north, the Vallachians and now called the Kingdom of Romania with the secret aid of the Hungarians manage to repel the forces of the Ottomans. Bulgarian revolts begin to occur but the Ottoman continue pressuring the people to keep their control. While this, the Sultan begins considering an invasion of Egypt as soon as the revolts end in order to establish some sort of recovery for the losses. Romania asks Poland for their help against the Ottomans. Morocco: Intellectuals are sent to the capital and the military system is reformed. The military is reformed and professional military begins to be organized. Olives and wheat are planted as the unemployed were sent to build qanats. New Tangiers expands by 2 px. We continue expansion along the Sahara Coast. We build our first arquebus workshop. Our second colony, New Casablanca expands by 2 px. We begin mobilizing our forces towards Tunisia. Ming Dynasty: The navy continues to be improved. More ships are built, and new harbours are built. Aid and clean up continues for the colony of Taiwan. The 青娥 (Qing'e) colony expands by 4 px. Meanwhile, a new colony, called Mai is set up on OTL Luzon Island.
* Ryukyu Kingdom: The Ryukyu Kingdom continues to improve their navy. Polish-Lithuanian Union: one-hundred and fifty students graduate from the University in Kracow, studying mostly literature, medicine and military strategy. Five more towns are established in Red Ruthenia, their styles and layouts reflecting the Wschodni Renesans mix which continues to be popular among new and old towns. The recent medical university students continue to study and isolate the cause and prevention of the recent flu outbreaks. Mikolaj Kopernik nears total completion of his heliocentric model since his mathematical apparatus, which uses complex mathematical calculations based on relative position of both the earth, the moon and the sun to other celestial bodies and their occurrence and positions that change in the night sky. The Archbishop of Capua surveys and approves of Mikolaj's work, and encourages him to publish it in the Commentariolus. We continue to expand towards Crimea by 4 px. King Sigismund I meets with Polish and Lithuanian Nobles to determine how to expand their ties beyond a personal union. We declare war on the Ottoman Empire and its remnants at the behest of Romania. We invade Crimea to relieve pressure from Romania.
* Duchy of Ordensstaat: The Wschodni Renesans continues to become popular in the Duchy, its use extending greatly to churches continuing the Eastern Catholic church art. The renovation of the church in the courtyard continues and nears completion. War is declared on the Ottoman Empire and its remnants in support of Poland-Lithuania. Inca Empire: Variola minor the scourge ravaging the northern part of the Empire, is found out to be some sort of plague as told by the Neapolitans and steps are taken to adjust thinking and how to contain it. Villages disappear under this and within months hundreds of thousands are infected and counting, the predicted death rate for this disease is predicted to be about three million with other minor cases and then lack of infection. The Empire however uses the choke points of the highway system, various protective measures, and the military to establish a perimeter in and around the middle of the northern section of the empire to prevent further spread of the virus. The Inca also finish construction of their written language. The Emperor moves to the southern capital for the time being. The ships constructed by the Empire begin to actually model after European/Neapolitan design using their more advanced state to advance ship technology. The Inca begin to navigate the seas more thoroughly and two separate expeditions are planned, one up the coast of the Americas and another across the ocean. The Inca continues to expand on all fronts. A few guns are acquired in illicit trade from Neapolitans and some other European traders.
* Ico: Ico continues to expand and seeing some of the disease devastation to the Northern Inca, seals its borders and only allows high level officials into the nation. Ico begins to expand farther and its population grows to 1.3 million.
* Pisac: Pisac's population expands to almost 750,000 and continues to expand. Iron becomes standard use and is regularly exported and made for the Inca empire. The Economy continues to expand.
* Amazonia: The Amazons continue to Expand and their population reaches 170,000. The vassalization of the next group of Amazonians is continued for the Inca. Expansion continues to the east.