| - Batman: Break of Dawn is a 2014 superhero action-thriller film written and directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Michael Fassbender, Nathan Jones, Sir Ian McKellen, Jessica Chastain, Hugh Jackman, John Goodman and Eric Bana. It is based on the characters from DC Comics created by Frank Miller, and surrounds the story of Bruce Wayne, alternatively known as the Batman, as he comes across his hitherto greatest threat in the ruthless mercenary named Bane.
| - Batman: Break of Dawn is a 2014 superhero action-thriller film written and directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Michael Fassbender, Nathan Jones, Sir Ian McKellen, Jessica Chastain, Hugh Jackman, John Goodman and Eric Bana. It is based on the characters from DC Comics created by Frank Miller, and surrounds the story of Bruce Wayne, alternatively known as the Batman, as he comes across his hitherto greatest threat in the ruthless mercenary named Bane. Inspiration for Batman: Break of Dawn derived primarily from when Guy Ritchie read and analysed the Knightfall series in the Batman comics, considering it to be a pivotal part of the Batman mythos because it proved that somebody could beat an individual like Batman. He immediately considered Michael Fassbender for the role of Batman, and Fassbender recommended several other of the cast members to consist of the supporting characters, and when Ritchie began writing the film he derived inspiration from actual interviews with DC Comics writers and illustrators. The film opened in November 2014 and was extremely well received by critics and fans of the comics, with considerable praise for Fassbender's performance, the action sequences, score, cinematography, story, intensity and Ritchie's direction. It was nominated for twenty awards, and won seventeen of them, several surrounding the performance of Michael Fassbender. It was a box-office triumph, grossing over $946 billion out of its $360 million budget, and a sequel entitled Batman: Eye of the Storm was written for 2015, with Fassbender, McKellen, Jackman and Chastain reprising their roles.