Riding is a secondary skill (but functions like a profession) in which characters may learn to ride mounts, which provide movement speed bonuses and, when applicable, the ability to fly or swim underwater. Every mount has a minimum skill level required for riding (With a few exceptions). As of Patch 4.0.1, increasing riding skill grants further increases to movement speed. All ground mounts increase movement speed by 60/100% (Apprentice/Journeyman) and all flying mounts increase ground movement speed by 100% and flying movement speed by 150/280/310% (Expert/Artisan/Master).
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- Riding
- Riding
- Riding
- Riding
- Riding
| - Riding is a secondary skill (but functions like a profession) in which characters may learn to ride mounts, which provide movement speed bonuses and, when applicable, the ability to fly or swim underwater. Every mount has a minimum skill level required for riding (With a few exceptions). As of Patch 4.0.1, increasing riding skill grants further increases to movement speed. All ground mounts increase movement speed by 60/100% (Apprentice/Journeyman) and all flying mounts increase ground movement speed by 100% and flying movement speed by 150/280/310% (Expert/Artisan/Master).
- Riding is a state. You enter the riding state at the beginning of combat if you have a mount equipped. Some spells may not be cast while in the riding state.
- Ratsastaminen oikeuttaa mounttien käytön sekä druidin lentomuodon käytön. Ratsastus on toissijainen ammatti (secondary profession).Paladin ja Warlock saavat mountin trainerilta, joten heidän tarvitsee vain ostaa ratsastustaito. Muuten myös mount pitää ostaa. Apprentice:3-4 goldia, Journeyman:45-50 goldia, Expert:200-300 goldia, Artisan: 4000-5000 goldia (Northrendin lentäminen maksaa 400-500 goldia.)ja mastery myös 4000-5000
- Riding is a Will-based skill that allows the player to ride any of their pets or allies.
- Riding enables Knights or Crusaders to ride a Pecopeco.
* Knights can buy Pecopecos in front of the Prontera Chivalry building in Northwest Prontera.
* Crusaders can buy them in front of Prontera Sanctuary in Northeast Prontera. There is no difference between the Knight Pecopeco and Crusader Grand Peco aside from aesthetics. On iRO, this skill is known as Peco Peco Ride.
- Jeździectwo jest profesją poboczną, dzięki której postać może nauczyć się jeździć na wierzchowcach. Każdy wierzchowiec wymaga odpowiedniego skilla Jeździectwo.
- Reduces stamina cost for riding mounts. Each race has their own "racial mount", and there are said to be other unique mounts to be found.
- Riding in NetHack is most commonly associated with Knights, because they begin the game with a saddled pony, but any character who finds a saddle and tames a suitable steed will be able to ride.
- left|De benodigdheden.|250px thumb|Een speler die een op monster rijdt. Riding is een skill die spelers kunnen trainen vanaf level 30. Je kunt de skill aan leren bij verschillende Riding trainers. Je hebt hiervoor een geld bedrag nodig van minimaal 31 goudstukken en 50 zilverstukken. Riding is niet bepaald een goedkope skill, dus is het aangeraden om al vroeg te beginnen met sparen. Als je de mogelijkheid hebt, om het je te laten trainen, zul je ook nog een dier moeten kopen waarop je kan rijden. Ook deze zijn erg duren en de prijsklassen zijn ook erg hoog.
- Equitación es una profesión secundaria en Image:IconoWoWMini.gif que permite a los jugadores aumentar su velocidad de viaje usando para ello distintas monturas. Al contrario que en las demás profesiones, aquí tan sólo se podrá aumentar el nivel de la misma pagando en el Instructor y cumpliendo los requisitos de nivel.
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- by Aug 2nd 2012 at 4:00PM
- by Frank on Nov.11, 2010
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