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- Tuning
- Tuning
- Tuning
- Tuning
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- Tuning (engl. abstimmen) bezeichnet das individuelle technische oder optische Verändern von Kraftfahrzeugen, also auch Motorrädern. Im weitesten Sinne sind das alle Umbauten am Motorrad.
- Tuning(調律Chōritsu) is a spell that dispells the Distortion caused by the battles of Flame Haze and Denizens. The Tuning was used by a Tuner along with a human who was born and raised in the area that needed to be tuned.
- There are three availible forms of transport in the rose online universe for visitors to use. Two of these forms are forms for personal transportation that can be build using designs and assembling parts and materials, while the other is a mode of transportation across speace between the many planets that make up rose online.
* Carts
* Castle Gear
* Flying Vessel
- Tuning is "[t]he process of adjusting operating system software to get maximum efficiency."
- Tuning is a city in the region of Menevia, High Rock.
- http://www.corvettefaq.com/c3/30PerfTips.htm 30 Performance Tips 1 Heavily c4 oriented http://www.corvettefaq.com/c3/30PerfTips2.htm 30 Performance Tips 2 Heavily c4 oriented http://www.corvettefaq.com/c3/30PerfTips3.htm 30 Performance tips 3 Heavily c4 oriented http://www.corvettefaq.com/c3/TPSTechPaper.doc Adjust TPS & Idle Speed in early C4 word doc by lars http://www.corvettefaq.com/c3/TDCPaper.doc How to Determine Top Dead Center word doc by lars http://www.corvettefaq.com/c3/HowToSetTiming2.doc How to Set Timing word doc by Lars(en)
- Dicesi tuning l'arte di rovinare il proprio mezzo di trasporto (auto, moto, scooter, bicicletta, triciclo e talora anche autobus e mietitrebbia) appendendoci quanti più gadget e oscenità possibili, al fine di personalizzarlo e renderlo il più brutto possibile rispetto a tutti gli altri. L'essere umano dedito al tuning si chiama "tunizzatore" ovvero "colui che tunizza la sua carriola". Solitamente il tunizzatore è composto per un 60% da truzzomania, un 10% di idiozia, e un 30% di cattivo gusto.
- ATTENTION: Cette page a été rédigé par un Québecquoi. A l'instar des Ch'tis qu'il critique, il se peux donc que son auteur soit incompréhensible. Nous vous recommandons l'usage d'un Babelfish afin d'y comprendre quelque chose. Mettre des néons, un body kit de la mort et un aileron d'aluminium, ce n'est pas du tuning ! Des tuners, on trouve ça dans des speed shops pour qu'ils optimisent les performances de ton char... Donc malheureusement vous ne pouvez pas faire accorder votre piano chez Total Tuning.
- In each of the games before Ace Combat Infinity that utilized tuning, the system works fairly similarly. Parts are unlocked by completing missions or achieving certain objectives, and must later be purchased. The different parts are divided into five categories: Engine, Wing, Armor, Weapons, and Cockpit. Only one part per category can be equipped. Most parts have both positive and negative effects on an aircraft; for example, a heavy armor upgrade will raise defense and lower speed and mobility.
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tf04 lore
| - Add 1 "Synchron" Tuner monster from your Deck to your hand. Then, send cards from the top of your Deck equal to that monster's Level to the Graveyard.
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es lore
| - Añade a tu mano, desde tu Deck, 1 monstruo Cantante "Sincrón" , y después manda al Cementerio la carta superior de tu Deck.
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ja lore
| - ①:デッキから「シンクロン」チューナー1体を手札に加えてデッキをシャッフルする。その後、自分のデッキの一番上のカードを墓地へ送る。
it lore
| - Aggiungi 1 mostro Tuner "Synchron" dal tuo Deck alla tuamano, poi manda la prima carta del tuo Deck al Cimitero.
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| - Add 1 "Synchron" Tuner monster from your Deck to your hand, then send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard.
pt lore
| - Adicione 1 monstro Regulador "Sincron" do seu Deck á sua mão e, depois, envie o card do topo do seu Deck para o Cemitério.
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ko lore
| - ①: 덱에서 "싱크론" 튜너 1장을 패에 넣고 덱을 셔플한다. 그 후, 자신 덱의 맨 위의 카드를 묘지로 보낸다.
de lore
| - Füge deiner Hand 1 "Synchron" Empfänger-Monster von deinem Deck hinzu. Lege danach die oberste Karte deines Decks auf den Friedhof.
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fr lore
| - Ajoutez 1 Monstre Syntoniseur "Synchronique" depuis votre Deck à votre main. Puis envoyez la carte du dessus de votre Deck au Cimetière.
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