- Shirt is a basic piece of armor in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It is needed to craft the following items:
- Shirts are for both men and women. It begins at the neck and extends to the waist, and fully covers both arms to the hands.
- The Shirt is a type of clothing featured in The Last Stand: Union City and The Last Stand: Dead Zone. It takes the form of a semi-formal/office button up shirt.
- A shirt is a wearable item that has its own dedicated slot (File:Ui-paperdoll-slot-shirt.png) and does not have any functional purpose besides decorative appeal or bragging rights. All shirts now have an item lvl of 1.
- Image:Icon-shortcut.pngSee also: Tabard
- A shirt is an article of clothing. Haha. Get it? Cuz this is an article, and it's about clothing, so it's of clothing. Ha. Okay moving on.
- Shirt is a costume item in S4 League.
- Los Shirt (シャーツ ShirtJap) eran una raza que habitaba en el Planeta Shatz.
- One of the most basic upper armors of the game. Can be found in any NPC shop selling No Grade fighter equipment.
- There are two types of shirt in NetHack: the T-shirt and the Hawaiian shirt. Both are the innermost piece of armor and are mostly identical.
- Shirts are a Humanoid species from the planet Shikk. They were conquered by the Planet Trade Organization.
- Items > Clothing > Shirts Shirts are clothing worn over the chest of your character. They can be worn by most species, with Ithorians and Wookiees (Wookiee Garb) having there own specially tailored shirts. Shirts come in many different styles and colors; for example, a long sleeved white shirt will look like Han Solo's white shirt from the classic movies. Shirts can have jackets, dusters, robes, armor, and Wearable Containers worn over them. There are a number of factional rewards and loot items (e.g., Shirt With Rebel Insignia, a Corvette loot item) available as well.
- What shirt a agent is wearing denotes their rank. During missions with large agents the highest ranking agent by shirt is in charge, if two are involved then either the Cherubs decide or the controller decides. An example of this is when the Black shirted Lauren leads a team of lower ranked Cherubs against the control tower in a test. CHERUB shirts are not allowed to be worn in public. The red shirt is for agents who live on campus but have not yet passed basic training; This may be due to age or joining Cherub late or simply because they have failed basic training.
- Shirts are worn by all Miis. They come in many different colors, Mii Creators can choose from. The color of the shirt is usually the Mii's favorite color. Whatever color the shirt is, if a Mii is wearing a hat, the hat will always be the same color as the shirt. Miis are different from humans-they appear to have no really visible hand. Instead, they have large round balls stuck at the end of their arms and appear to have no fingers. The large round balls are their "hands", and their hands are the same color of their shirt. However, it appears that in some occasions their hands turn into more human-like hands as seen in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games. It's possible that Miis only have the less human-like hands when they're wearing long sleeve shirts and they have human hands when they h
- A shirt is a type of clothing on ROBLOX that covers the torso and arm blocks of a character with a texture defined by the shirt's ShirtTemplate property. Users can create shirts by creating an image based on a template and then publish them using the shirt ContentBuilder. After being reviewed by a moderator and approved, the user then can sell or use the shirt. Only Builders Club members can make and sell shirts, but everyone can buy them. The Builders Club member can sell them for ROBUX. The price floor for shirts was , but now it is . ROBLOX has shirts sold for free. The only free shirts are: