| - CEO, Chairman, and Founder Home Town: Fort Worth, Texas Height: 5'8" Weight: 175 lbs. Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Hazle Moves: DDT Clothesline Spear Various Suplexes Leg Drop Music: Nookie - Sky Eats Airplane Brian Clinton Johnson is the founder of BJPW. He has stated that he has big thing, innovatives things in store.
- Brian is Super Turbo Red of Power Rangers Super Turbo (Writingactor258).
- thumb|200px|Brian w 2003 Brian Johnson (rodz. 5 października we Dunston) – rokowy wokalista, członek skupiny AC/DC. Pierw grůł w Geordie, kery to pochůdził z Newcastle. Doszydł do AC/DC po śmyrći Bona Scotta w 1980, a w tym sůmym roku nagroł krůnżyk Back in Black. Biran podkłůdoł tyż dubbing w grze Call of Duty: Finest Hour.
- Brian Johnson ist ein verstorbener Charakter aus Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Er war der Sohn von Beverly Johnson und somit der Bruder von Carl, Sean und Kendl Johnson. Brian starb 1987. Bis heute gibt sich CJ die Schuld dafür. In der Mission End of the Line sagt er zu Sweet: „Ja, aber du hast recht – ich war ein Feigling, als mich meine Familie am meisten brauchte. Hey, ich hab Brian sterben lassen, Mann.“ Er selbst taucht im Spiel nicht auf, nur die anderen Familienmitglieder reden ab und zu von ihm. Er hat den selben Namen wie der Sänger der Rockband AC/DC.
- Brian Johnson is a American Professional wrestler.
- Brian Johnson, attuale cantante degli AC/DC, nasce il 5 ottobre 1947 dall'unione fra una coppola e un altoparlante.
- Brian Johnson là nhân vật trong dòng game Grand Theft Auto được nhắc tới trong Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
- Brian Johnson worked on special visual effects for Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.
- Brian Johnson is the valuxian foster father of the Barker's and Bennett's as well as the husband to Sophie Johnson.
- Brian Johnson is a deceased character in the Grand Theft Auto series who is mentioned in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
- Brian Johnson – postać wspomniana w Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas oraz w The Introduction, najmłodszy brat Seana, Carla i Kendl, syn Beverly. Niewiele wiemy o tej postaci. Brian współpracował z Rodzinami z Grove Street. Został zamordowany w 1987 r., najprawdopodobniej przez wrogów GSF. Carl zostaje obarczony za jego śmierć przez Sweeta, przez co wyjeżdża do Liberty City. Carl nie uczestniczył w jego pogrzebie. Oprócz tego nic nam nie jest wiadome o tej postaci. Brian musiał być bardzo podobny do CJ-a lub byli bliźniakami, gdyż w misji Dziewiątki i kałachy, Emmet pomylił go z Brianem
- Brian Johnson, formerly Brian Johncock, is a British special effects technician.
- Brian Johnson (born April 1, 1960 in Montreal, Quebec) is a retired Canadian professional ice hockey right winger who played one season in the National Hockey League for the Detroit Red Wings. Johnson spent four seasons in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League with the Verdun/Sorel Éperviers and the Sherbrooke Beavers before signing with the Detroit Red Wings in 1980. He had spells in the American Hockey League with the Adirondack Red Wings and the Central Hockey League with the Dallas Black Hawks before making his debut for Detroit during the 1983-84 NHL season, playing a total of three regular season games, going pointless with five penalty minutes. After spells with the Carolina Thunderbirds and the Indianapolis Checkers, Johnson retired in 1986.
- Brian è il fratello minore di Carl Johnson. Non si sa quasi nulla perché morì prima della Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Introduction e Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Di lui si sa che è morto per colpa di Carl Johnson prima che quest'ultimo se ne andasse da San Andreas fino all'anno 1992.
- He is played by Anthony Michael Hall. His real-life mother and sister, Mercedes Hall and Mary Christian, played the character's mother and sister, respectively. He was given Saturday detention because, after getting an F in a science project, he attempted to shoot himself in the locker room. He has trouble adapting to the others at first and tries to maintain peace, with little to no success. He writes the essay to give to Mr. Vernon at the end of the film by calling the group "The Breakfast Club".
- Brian Johnson on kolmas Johnsonin veljeksistä. Hän ei esiinny pelissä, koska hän on kuollut. Brian on Carlin ja Seanin pikkuveli joka tulee ilmi kun Carl sanoo Ryderille menettäneensä äitinsä ja pikkuveljensä. Asekauppias Emmet mainitsee ensimmäisen kerran Brianin nimen Big Smoken sanottua Carlia Beverlyn lapseksi, Emmet luulee tätä Brianiksi. Lisäksi The Johnson Housen seinällä on kuva Brianista. Luokka:Hahmot
- Brian Johnson (born 5 October 1947) is an English singer and songwriter who, since 1980, has been the lead singer for the Australian rock band AC/DC, and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2003 along with the other members of the band. Johnson's first album with AC/DC, Back in Black, is the second best selling album of all time, and the best selling album by any band. In 1997, Johnson recorded with the band Jackyl on their song "Locked and Loaded", and in 2002 wrote lyrics on the track "Kill the Sunshine" from their album Relentless.
- Brian Johnson est le frère cadet défunt de Carl Johnson, Kendl Johnson et Sweet dans Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Troisième et dernier fils de Beverly Johnson et d'un père non mentionné dans le jeu, mort dans un accident de voiture en 1987. Carl ne s'était pas déplacé pour assister à l'enterrement, ce qui lui a valu des reproches de la part de Sweet à son retour à Los Santos, après cinq ans passés à Liberty City. Il a toujours voulu, comme sa famille, faire partie des Familles de Grove Street, mais il semble qu'il n'ait pas vécu assez longtemps pour le faire.
- Brian Johnson (nacido el 5 de octubre de 1947 en Newcastle) vocalista de AC/DC y previamente de Geordie. Su primer álbum como vocalista de AC/DC fue Back In Black. Tenía una voz innovadora en las bandas de rock de aquella época. Fue camionero de profesión, amigo de Cristian Kohler, un gran consumidor de cerveza y sus mayores influencias fueron Joe Cake y Ray Charles. Es muy conocida su afición a las carreras de coches. En más de una ocasión ha disputado alguna carrera con su bólido. Cabe recalcar que en este grupo se consolidó como uno de los mejores cantantes de la historia.
- Brian Johnson is the lead singer and Elmo impersonator of hard rock band AC/DC. He is also a playwright, taxi driver and excellent fortune cookie writer. Many people who attend an AC/DC concert these days are often stumped as to why Brian's voice has gone from sounding like a chipmunk to sounding like he is singing while gargling nails? Despite people telling you lies that it is supposedly because Brain was not the original singer, and that you are mixing him up with Bon Scott, this is simply not the case. The truth of the matter is, Brian actually IS Bon Scott. When Bon reached puberty in 1979 after the Highway To Hell album, to avoid being stereotyped as the next Justin Bieber, he faked his death and changed his name to Brian Johnson to save face, and also avoid getting out of having to
- Brian Johnson (født 5. oktober 197 i Dunston, Gateshead, England) er en britisk vokalist, som er mest kjent som medlem av bandet AC/DC. obben som vokalist i bandet etter at Bon Scott døde i 1980. Bandets første album med Johnson som vokalist, Back in Black, ble gitt ut senere samme lår og er bandets mestselgende album. AC/DC
- Brian Johnson (? - 1987) es un personaje de la Saga Grand Theft Auto, que es mencionado en Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Posiblemente, sea miembro de los Grove Street Families, igual que sus hermanos Sweet Johnson y Carl Johnson. No se sabe nada más de Brian, aparte de que CJ sea probablemente el culpable de su muerte (no hay nada seguro), aunque en Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas The Introduction, Sweet afirma que fue asesinado.
- Brian Johnson (born 5 October 1947) is an English singer and lyricist who has been the lead singer for the rock band AC/DC since 1980. He was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in 2003 along with the other members of the band.