| - Hetton byl bohatý muž z Ambrijského rodu, který se nakratko stal učednicí Darth Zannah, celý život než ji potkal shromažďoval informace o Temné straně Síly, dozvěděl se tak o Belie Darzu, která ovládla, a také znala tajemství o výrobě sithského holocronu na Tythonu. Na Zannahčin rozkaz napadl s osmi zabijáky Darth Bane, který poháněn krvežíznivostí zabil Hettona a zabijáky a málem zabil i Zannah. Kategorie:Lidé Kategorie:Muži Kategorie:Citliví k Síle
- Hetton was a Human male who was related to the Demici family, one of the Great Houses of Serenno. From a young age he knew he was Force-sensitive, and as a young man was encouraged by his mother to search for means of training his abilities without having to pledge allegiance to either the Jedi or Sith. He eventually came under a brief apprenticeship to Darth Zannah before being killed by Zannah's master, Darth Bane.
- Hetton was a Human male who was related to the Demici family, one of the Great Houses of Serenno.
- [Source] Hetton était un homme sensible à la Force et faisait parti de la Maison Demici, une des grandes familles nobles de Serenno.
- Hetton era un humano que tenía relación con la familia Demici, una de las Grandes Casas de Serenno. Líder de un movimiento separatista en Serenno, poseía una afinidad en la fuerza (en el lado oscuro), su madre descubriría esto cuando este tenía 20 años, vio en esto una herramienta para ampliar la fortuna de la familia, reacia en un comienzo a cederle a los Jedi o los Sith, encontró un Maestro que le educara, un caza recompensas llamado Gula Dwan alguien sin lealtad a los Sith o los Jedi, solo tenía su lealtad al dinero y la familia de Hetton se lo proveía. Hetton despreciaba a su maestro, y a medida que fue avanzando en su entrenamiento se dio cuenta que era alguien no merecedor del talento de la fuerza.
- Hetton was a Human male who was related to the Demici family, one of the Great Houses of Serenno. From a young age he knew he was Force-sensitive, and as a young man was encouraged by his mother to search for means of training his abilities without having to pledge allegiance to either the Jedi or Sith. He used his family's wealth and connections to collect an array of artifacts and documents teaching him about the dark side of the Force.