| - Phyllis appears in the Season 2 episode of Night Court titled "Married Alive". The part of Phyllis is played by veteran stage/TV actress Micole Mercurio.
- Phyllis is a character in the Pixar film Up. She is Russell's father's girlfriend. Russell does not like her because every time he called his father, Phyllis tells him that he's bugging his father too much. She does not physically appear in the movie, but she is mentioned by Russell.
- Phyllis is a mountain diesel.
- Phyllis is voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar.
- Phyllis is an older woman who breeds prize-winning dogs. Debra also knows her from the salon where she gets her hair done. One of Phyllis' dogs, a bulldog named Baron, managed to escape. The dog ended up following Ray home so they posted fliers around that they had found this dog. Phyllis saw the flier and arrived at the Barones house to pick up her dog. But she noticed that Baron had been neutered, which means that she couldn't breed him anymore. So she sold the dog to the Barones.
- Phyllis (? - 2009, si el jugador lo decide) es un personaje secundario, que aparece en Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. Es la esposa del personaje aleatorio, Giorgio y únicamente aparece en una de las dos misiones de éste personaje.
- Phyllis is the wife of Giorgio, a random character in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.
- Es scheint dass Phyllis auf Plakaten in Grand Theft Auto IV erscheint. Diese Plakate findet man in verschiedenen Strip-Clubs und auch im Sex Shop in Hove Beach.
- Phyllis (born 2216) is the resident medical assistant of Vault City, working under Doctor Troy in 2241.
- Phyllis is Pelly's sister who works the night shift at the town hall in the Animal Crossing series. Phyllis can also be seen in the roost an hour before her shift starts. Phyllis is a rude pelican, who makes mean remarks whenever she is asked to do something. However if you visit her on a daily basis, Phyllis may begin to become a bit more friendly towards your player. When another player from a different town is visiting, both Pelly and Phyllis are seen in the town hall when entering. This Animal Crossing related article is a stub. Please help by expanding it.
- Phyllis, the eternal romantic, likes nothing better than great love stories and lavish weddings. And as she operates on the basis that if you want something done it's better to do it yourself, she sets about using her love filters to create ready made couples who would never have got together otherwise and who generally split up amid a storm of tears and shouting once the wedding's over.
- Phyllis is a donkey which Axikasha Keiran purchased from a farmer after leaving Reign in 1017 AE. Although she does look a bit scruffy on the outside, she has a gentle heart, and she does her best to serve Ax and be of use. She helped take Ax to Trinity Gask where Ax put her in a stable to rest.
- Phyllis was the mother of Gene. Her husband, Frank, had died of cancer.
- frame|Phyllis dans GTA Chinatown Wars.Phyllis est un personnage mineur dans Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. Elle est lʼépouse de Giorgio, qui la soupçonne de le tromper avec dʼautres hommes et demande à Huang Lee (le protagoniste) de placer un mouchard sur sa voiture pour la surveiller. Cette filature apprend à Giorgio que sa femme est une prostituée ; il se plaint de ne pas avoir eu de rapport sexuel depuis trois mois et jette un client de Phyllis hors de sa voiture pour prendre sa place et avoir un rapport avec Phyllis moyennant vingt dollars.
- She is a beautiful girl , doomed with a curse that will only allow her to live till the age of 30. Blessed with various skills, she can become a Hunter, Herbalist or Explorer. She can later specialize in Sharp Shooter, Voyager, Seal Master and Cleric. Level 1 - 20 Level 20 - 30 Level 30 - 45 To be continued ...
- Phyllis jest młodziutką kobietą pracującą jako pielęgniarka i asystentka Dr.Troya w szpitalu Kryptopolis ( usytuowanego we wnętrzu Krypty ) . Osoba ta jest skłonna do rozmowy , szczególnie na temat sytuacji panującej w Kryptopolis : można się dowiedziec np. że dzieci nie są poczynane w skutek naturalnej prokreacji lecz za pomocą Auto-Doca ( przyczyna takiego działania jest bezpłodność spowodowana napromieniowaniemPustkowiu . Za jej pośrednictwem można również oddać nowy materiał genetyczny do banku genów Kryptopolis .