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- Ludwig van Beethoven is a German Classical Composer and Pianist who lived during the late Classical Period and the Early Romantic Era. His music is best known for the transition from Classical to Romantic. Although his haering affected his career beginning in his twenties he still composes music despite being completely deaf.
- right Ludwig van Beethoven, fue un compositor alemán. Nació el 16 de diciembre de 1770 en Bonn (Alemania) y falleció el 26 de marzo de 1827 en Viena, Austria. Niño prodigio (dio su primer concierto a los ocho años), partidario de las ideas de libertad y justicia de la Revolución francesa, fue el cantor de la generosidad y de la alegría, a pesar de la sordera que le afecto a partir de 1802. Su sordera no impidió que escribiera algunas de las más hermosas melodías que el mundo jamás haya conocido. Heredero de Mozart y del clasicismo vienés, despertó el romanticismo germánico con sus 17 cuartetos de cuerdas (1800-1826), sus 32 sonatas para piano (1795-1822), sus 5 conciertos para piano y sus 9 sinfonías (1800-1824).
- Ludwig van Beethoven nasio supvëhtament' er 16 e disjembe e 1770 'n Bonn, Alemanja; battisao er 17 e disjembe e 1770 'n Bonn; fayesjó 'r dia 26 e Masso e 1827 'n Bjena, Avhtrja; hve un komponïht'alemà j se le konsiera uno e löh komponïhtäh màh sinnifikatiböh el' Ïhtorja ela Músika.
- Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer and pianist. He was a crucial figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western classical music, and remains one of the most acclaimed and influential composers of all time.
- In 2154, Captain Jonathan Archer and Daniels saw an image of Beethoven in the time stream as the timeline reset itself. (ENT episode: "Storm Front") In 2373, the Cardassian composer Ilani Tarn performed some of Beethoven's sonatas arranged for the trikolat in a concert on Earth. (DS9 novel: Hollow Men)
- Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827) was a German composer. A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western art music, he remains one of the most famous and influential of all composers. His best-known compositions include 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, 1 violin concerto, 32 piano sonatas, 16 string quartets, his great Mass the Missa solemnis and an opera, Fidelio.
- Beethoven was born at in Frankfurt, Germany on the 16th of December, 1770. Historians are not sure of his exact birthdate, because his family says he is born on the 16th while the baptism records at the Frankfurt Church say the 17th. Beethoven had a hard early life. His father disciplined him into playing music.His father was a drunk, and would sometimes wake him up in the middle of the night to practice until morning. Beethoven learned piano and violin in his early years, and his father attempted to make him into the "Second Coming of Mozart".hjshsbsjzjsbsjidsgsguxsh gay
- His Fur Elise was also used in the end credits of the American Dragon: Jake Long episode, "Hayley Gone Wild."
- Beethoven est un humain. Il a deux jambes et deux bras, il pisse et il dit des conneries. On retiendra de lui le fait qu'il écrivit l'hymne européen à une époque où l'UE n'existait pas ce qui est quand même vachement fort.
- Ludwig van Beethoven (in einigen asiatischen Ländern besser bekannt als Jochen Kempf, mit dem er jedoch nicht verwandt war) war ein deutscher Komponist und Sachbearbeiter, nach anderen Quellen ein belgischer Bahnhofsvorsteher bzw. mauretanischer Unpaarhufer. Die Quellenlage ist nachgerade grässlich. Neuerlichen Veröffentlichungen zufolge kann Beethoven auch ein Softwareprogramm, ein konvertierter Muezzin (Japan, 14. Jh.), der Erreger der Meningokokken-Meningitis oder ein Hund gewesen sein. Wir werden in diesem Artikel auf diesen Blödsinn nicht weiter eingehen. Da kann ja jeder kommen.
- Ludwig van Beethoven (16 December 1770 - 26 March 1827) was a highly talented German (later Austrian) composer and virtuoso pianist. He was a crucial figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western classical music, and remains one of the most respected and influential composers of all time. Beethoven's hearing gradually deteriorated beginning in his twenties, yet he continued to compose, and to conduct and perform, even after he was completely deaf.
- Ludwig van Beethoven (Bonn 1770 - Non Bonn 1934) è stato l'unico compositore sordo in tutta la storia della musica, per cui componeva a cazzo di cane, tanto neanche poteva ascoltarsi. Sappiamo però che fu in vita un musicista molto esigente: se si fosse ascoltato non si sarebbe piaciuto.
- His Fur Elise was also used in the end credits of the American Dragon: Jake Long episode, "Haley Gone Wild."
- "Born in 1770, Beethoven was instructed in music by both his father, a singer and instrumentalist, and the court organist C. G. Neefe. He published his first works at the age of 12. In 1802, his hearing problems were diagnosed as incurable and by 1812 his deafness had progressed to the point where he could no longer perform publicly. Perhaps due to this same disorder, he was given to outbursts of anger and frequently insulted others. He had romantic attachments to many women, often aristocractic pupils, including Antoine Brentano - also known as his Immortal Beloved due to a passionate letter written but probably never sent to her. 10,000 are said to have attended his funeral in 1827. " ( Taken from the Read or Die OVA DVD "Archives" )
- Ludwig von Beethoven (1770-1827) was a German composer, famous for his "Fifth Symphony" and "Ninth Symphony". He is played by John Cleese in the sketch Beethoven's Mynah Bird where he tries to compose his "Fifth Symphony", but is continously interrupted by his wife. He is also mentioned in the song Decomposing Composers.
- Ludwig van Beethoven (Bonn, Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico, 16 e diciembre e 1770 – Viena, Imperio Austriaco, 26 e marzo e 1827) jue un compositor y un pianista alemán. Su legao mursica s'extendió, cronológicamente, dende er perió crásico hasta la nacencia der romanticismo mursicales.
- niemiecki (org.) ~ grecki ~ angielski ~ hiszpański ~ francuski ~ galijski ~ włoski ~ polski ~ portugalski
- Benthoven was a pianist who wrote many symphonies. HeSHE was dead later in life. All of his HER symphonies were self titled and signed "Edward Elgar".
- Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer in the 18th century. Marge told a story where Nelson Muntz played him.
- thumb|Ludwig van Beethoven. Ludwig van Beethoven war ein berühmter Komponist klassischer Musik der Erde. Im Jahr 2154 ist Captain Jonathan Archer Zeuge wie sich die Zeitlinie aus dem Jahr 1944 nach dem Eingreifen der Na'kuhl wieder selbst herstellt. Als sich die Zeitlinie wieder neu einstellt, kann man Ludwig van Beethoven sehen. (ENT: ) Auf seiner Reise nach Risa hört Geordi La Forge von Beethoven die 6. Sinfonie, welche auch Pastorale genannt wird. (TNG: ) Im Jahr 2368 hört sich Data die 9. Sinfonie an, um deren Ästhetik zu ergründen. (TNG: )
- In "Ocean's Three and a Half", he is seen working on the "Ode to Joy" segment of the 9th Symphony. The scene of Brian in the chair in "Once Bitten" is a parody of A Clockwork Orange, complete with the "Ode to Joy" from Beethoven's 9th Symphony.
- This is a list of Music composed by Beethoven. 1.
* Fur Elise 2.
* Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement 3.
* Moonlight Sonata 2nd Movement 4.
* Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement 5.
* Fifth Symphony 6.
* Minuet in G
- Ludwig van Beethoven (16. joulukuuta 1770 Bonn – 26. maaliskuuta 1827 Wien) oli saksalainen säveltäjä.
- Ludwig van Beethoven (batizada 17 Desembre 1770 - 26 Marto 1827) ia es un composor deutx. El es considerada un de composores la plu eselente en la istoria de la musica e ia un figur dominante en la periodo entre Clasicisme e Romanticisme en musica clasica de Europa.
- Ludwig van Beethoven (16. joulukuuta 1770 Bonn – 26. maaliskuuta 1827 Wien) oli saksalainen säveltäjä klassismin ja romantiikan siirtymäkaudella. Hän oli aikansa merkittävin säveltäjä ja yksi koko musiikkihistorian vaikutusvaltaisimmista säveltäjämestareista. Asteittaisesta kuuroutumisestaan huolimatta hän kykeni työskentelemään elämänsä loppuun asti, ja hänen tunnetuimpiin teoksiinsa kuuluvat esimerkiksi yhdeksän sinfoniaa, viisi pianokonserttoa ja yksi viulukonsertto, yksi ooppera ja kaksi messua, 32 pianosonaattia sekä 16 jousikvartettoa. Luokka:Saksalaiset säveltäjät Luokka:Saksalaiset oopperasäveltäjät
- thumb|180px|Beethoven... thumb|250px|i jego podróbka thumb|250px|Beethoven należał też do zakonu Jedi Ludwig van Beethoven – kompozytor, pianista i dyrygent. Urodził się 16 grudnia 1770 r. w niemieckim mieście Bonn, w małym domu przy Bonngasse. Jego rodzina przeprowadziła się niebawem do większego domu przy pobliskiej Rheingasse (turyści baaardzo długo tłoczyli się przy tym domu, pstrykali zdjęcia i mówili, że widzieli miejsce narodzin Beethovena. Nie widzieli). Jego dziadek Ludwig sr. (ur. 1712, zm. 1773), najpierw pracował jako śpiewak, potem był kapelmistrzem elektora w Bonn i dobrze prosperującym handlarzem win. Jego syn Johann (ur. 1740, zm. 1792) był zaledwie przeciętnym muzykiem (udało mu się zaledwie uzyskać stanowisko tenora w kapeli dworskiej) i niestety pijakiem (jeśli nie był w
- Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was a German composer who helped to bridge what would become known as the Classical and Romantic eras in music. During his lifetime, he enjoyed a certain amount of celebrity for his work. Today, he is highly regarded as one of the most gifted composers in history, and his music continues to appear in "popular" venues, thanks to its exposure in film, television and advertising. The man himself is also widely recognized as a figure of musical importance and has often been portrayed in biographical context as well as parody. His acclaim even outside scholarly circles is often attributed to the fact that he continued to compose in his later years as he slowly lost his hearing. He most famously composed the entirety of his Ninth Symphony ("Ode to Joy" -- one of
- The Sixth Doctor was present at the birth of Beethoven and gave his mother enough money to raise the child that her husband did not want. (PROSE: Gone Too Soon) The Tenth Doctor claimed to have learned how to play the organ (or possibly keyboard instruments in general) from Beethoven, suggesting the two had met. (TV: The Lazarus Experiment) After the Doctor and Beethoven were abducted by Momus for a dinner party, the Doctor told Beethoven that he loved his Fifth. (WC: The Lonely Computer) On Nocturne, Korbin Thessinger played Beethoven to lure a noise creature into a trap. (AUDIO: Nocturne)
- Ludwig van Beethoven ist ein Mensch des 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts. Der Sechste Doctor erlebt Beethovens Geburt mit und gibt dessen Mutter genug Geld, um ihn groß zu ziehen.(Gone Too Soon) Der Zehnte Doctor lernt bei Beethoven das Orgelspielen.(The Lazarus Experiment)
- Ludwig van Beethoven était un compositeur allemand de musique classique au 18ème et 19ème siècles. Beethoven composa de nombreux classiques incluant :
* la Sonate pour piano nº 8 ("Grande Sonate pathétique") en 1799. ("Star Trek: Insurrection" ; Réalité extrapolée *)
* la Sonate pour piano n°14 ("Sonate au Clair de Lune") en 1801. (TNG: "Lessons" ; Réalité extrapolée *)
* la Symphonie n°6 ("Symphonie Pastorale") en 1808. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye" ; Réalité extrapolée *)
* la Symphonie n°9 en 1824. (TNG: "A Matter of Time" ; Réalité extrapolée *)
- Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer and pianist. He is considered to have been the most crucial figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western classical music, and remains one of the most famous and influential composers of all time.
- Ludwig van Beethoven (baptized 17 December 1770 – 26 March 1827), better known by his stage name Luddy van B, was a German composer and pianist. His most significant and groundbreaking compositions include Furry Lisa, the demanding keyboard showpiece which is attempted only by outstanding piano virtuosos, and the groundbreaking soundtrack to Kubrick's Clockwork Orange. He also wrote a Wellington's Victory symphony for two marching armies and artillery, fulfilling a commission to compose the second movement of Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture (completed in 1809). Beethoven's famous and influential Tenth Symphony inspired many other composers to also compose ten symphonies or die trying. For example Gustav Mahler, shortly after his death in 1911, famously renamed his song cycle "Das Lied von der
- Ludwig van Beethoven1 (Bonn, 16 de diciembre de 17702 -Viena, 26 de marzo de 1827) fue un compositor, director de orquesta y pianista alemán. Su legado musical abarca, cronológicamente, desde el período clásico hasta inicios del romanticismo musical. Es uno de los compositores más importantes de la historia de la música y su legado ha influido de forma decisiva en la música posterior de su epoca.
- After Jonathan Archer restored a damaged timeline, Ludwig van Beethoven playing the piano could be seen in the time stream as the timeline realigned itself. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II") In 2367, Geordi La Forge was listening to the first movement of Beethoven's Symphony Number Six (Pastoral Symphony) while on his way to a conference on Risa, shortly before being captured by Romulans. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye" ) Among his works was his Symphony Number Nine. In 2368, Data listened to the piece to analyze its aesthetics. (TNG: "A Matter of Time" )
- Composer of Classical Music, generally considered one of the most talented and influential of all time. Born in Bonn in 1770, he moved to Vienna in the 1790s, first attracting attention for his virtuoso piano performances. His earlier compositions were accomplished but derivative pieces (on the surface, at least) in the Classical Era style of Joseph Haydn and Mozart. Beethoven may have been an alien spy. Or possibly a Time Lord. Despite his name, does not feature in Beethoven the Animated Series. Or in the movie series that bears his name.
- Ludwig van Beethoven (baptized December 17, 1770[1] – March 26, 1827) was a German composer born during the classical era but in his last years was a key figure in the transition to the Romantic Era. He is generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time. Partners:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Pyotr Liych Tchaikovsky Beethoven's popularity continued to rise after his death, and in the Romantic Era he was idolised by many composers including Brahms and Wagner and Mahler.
- Ludwig van Beethoven is a guy who self proclaims to be a composer, even though he hires companies to write music for him. People compare him to Jesus, and he also said he likes to be alive. He stole many original tunes written by Skrillex, will.i.steal and Justin Beaver. He was also assassinated by the Lamb State, which specializes in killing lambs; he posed as a lamb one day when he got bored.