| - The Doctor returns to Peladon, some fifty years after his first visit (The Curse of Peladon). King Peladon's daughter, Queen Thalira, is now in charge, advised by the inevitable Evil Chancellor, who promptly arrests the Doctor and Sarah Jane. Alpha Centauri, the effeminate octopoid from the last story, is now the Federation ambassador to Peladon, and clears the Doctor's name. The rival power bloc surrenders to the Federation and the Queen offers the Doctor the chancellorship, but the Doctor suggests Gebek, the miners' leader.
| - The Doctor returns to Peladon, some fifty years after his first visit (The Curse of Peladon). King Peladon's daughter, Queen Thalira, is now in charge, advised by the inevitable Evil Chancellor, who promptly arrests the Doctor and Sarah Jane. Alpha Centauri, the effeminate octopoid from the last story, is now the Federation ambassador to Peladon, and clears the Doctor's name. A spectral image of Aggeddor (the titular Monster, a sacred monster to Peladon) has been blamed for a number of deaths among the Trisilicate miners. The Doctor discovers that the spectral image is the work of a human engineer, Eckersley, who is working in cahoots with some renegade Ice Warriors to seize the Trisilicate deposits for a rival power bloc. The Ice Warrior leader, Azaxyr, leads an attack on the throne room, but is killed along with his comrades when the Doctor turns Eckersley's heat ray on them. Eckersley takes the queen hostage, but the Doctor and the real Aggeddor hunt him down. Eckersley is killed, but so is Aggeddor. The rival power bloc surrenders to the Federation and the Queen offers the Doctor the chancellorship, but the Doctor suggests Gebek, the miners' leader.