| - Cats from all the four Clans--MoonClan, SparrowClan, WaterClan, DarkClan--gathered beneath the Great Oak for a Gathering. The moon was shining brightly overhead. "I wonder what Shiningstar will say about Birdstar's attack!" whispered Emberpaw, a light ginger tabby she-cat to her best friend, Berrypaw, a light tortoiseshell she-cat. "Be quiet, Berrypaw, you two missed Birdstar's talking already!" hissed a MoonClan warrior, Foxtail. His bushy dark ginger tail waved in the night air. I wonder if everything really is fine in DarkClan! Berrypaw sighed.
| - Cats from all the four Clans--MoonClan, SparrowClan, WaterClan, DarkClan--gathered beneath the Great Oak for a Gathering. The moon was shining brightly overhead. "I wonder what Shiningstar will say about Birdstar's attack!" whispered Emberpaw, a light ginger tabby she-cat to her best friend, Berrypaw, a light tortoiseshell she-cat. "I don't think Shiningstar will mentoin it, Emberpaw. It's kind of between MoonClan and SparrowClan!" hissed Berrypaw, the more senior apprentice. "DarkClan likes to keep its secrets, so why shouldn't we?" Emberpaw shrugged, just as Birdstar, leader of SparrowClan, finished his report. "Be quiet, Berrypaw, you two missed Birdstar's talking already!" hissed a MoonClan warrior, Foxtail. His bushy dark ginger tail waved in the night air. "All is well in WaterClan!" declared WaterClan's leader, Reedstar. She stepped back to allow DarkClan's leader, Badgerstar, begin to speak. "Everything is fine with DarkClan, too. The Twolegs are near the lake, but none have gone near the camp." Badgerstar stepped back. This caused a lot of murmuring in the crowd of cats below the Great Oak. I wonder if everything really is fine in DarkClan! Berrypaw sighed.