| - Buzzards are birds that lived through the Great War. They are known to feed on corpses or unconscious bodies they find throughout the wastelands.
- Buzzard — небольшой боевой вертолёт, появившийся в The Ballad of Gay Tony. На канале Weazel в специальном выпуске новостей можно прослушать, что Buzzard является незаконным боевым вертолётом и официально запрещён LCPD. Частенько появляется в трейлерах и скриншотах в GTA V.
- Buzzard is a super villain and an updated version of the Red Vulture from the 1970s Hanna-Barbera cartoon Dynomutt, Dog Wonder. He is the archenemy of the Blue Falcon and his sidekick Dynomutt. He appeared in the episode Dyno-Might, where he tried to steal the Pharaoh's Heart Ruby and dealt a near-fatal blow to Dynomutt, forcing the Blue Falcon to seek out Dexter's aid to save him.
- Buzzard on rynnäkköhelikopteri The Ballad of Gay Tonyssä e Grand Theft Auto V.
- Buzzards are hostile level 37-39 carrion birds found in the Badlands. There are also sub-species of buzzard found in other areas of Azeroth and Outland.
- A buzzard was a type of bird. In 2364, Jean-Luc Picard compared Data's circular movements around the USS Enterprise-D's lounge to those of a buzzard. (TNG: "Haven" )
- The Nagasaki Buzzard is a small unarmed helicopter featured in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.
- Categorie:VoertuigDe Buzzard is een kleine gevechtshelilkopter die te vinden is in The Ballad of Gay Tony en Grand Theft Auto V. In een reportage van Weazel News wordt de Buzzard genoemd als een illegale gevechtshelikopter. De LCPD zal echter geen moeite doen de helikopter te stoppen als de speler er in rondvliegt, tenzij hij een agent aanvalt.
- Little animated buzzards can be seen in the desert maze portion of the desert. The birds in KQ5 desert are called 'buzzards' in the script files ('script.015').
- Buzzard – mały helikopter bojowy, występujący w dodatku do Grand Theft Auto IV - The Ballad of Gay Tony i Grand Theft Auto V.
- Buzzards are also used by the Slabs gang, and their buzzards are featured in several storyline missions. Badass Buzzards can also be fought less commonly. They are more armoured than their regular counterparts and can launch even more volleys of rockets. They may be found around the Buzzard Academy in Tundra Express, should a player use the alarm switch; outside of this, they may be encountered anywhere waves of buzzards spawn if multiple players are present. They can also be found in True Vault Hunter Mode.
- Designed for commando and espionage operation, its main strength is the ability to travel unseen through enemy territory and to avoid unfavorable encounters. The Buzzard was developed according to the exacting specifications of Admiral Okaseilen Fukashi, head of the Caldari Navy Recon Division, and was the first production level ship specifically built to take full advantage of the cloaking breakthroughs achieved by Project Mirage at Crielere.
- Los Buzzards eran cazas estelares usados por el Nuevo Imperio Sith en las últimas etapas de las Nuevas Guerras Sith.
- El Buzzard o Buzzard Attack Chopper es un helicóptero de exploración ataque/armada, que aparece en Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony y Grand Theft Auto V.
- Le Buzzard est un petit hélicoptère d'attaque apparu dans The Ballad of Gay Tony, second épisode de Grand Theft Auto IV, et qui apparaît aussi dans Grand Theft Auto V. Il est sans doute le remplaçant du Hunter dans l'univers HD et selon un flash de Weazel News le Buzzard est un hélicoptère de police totalement illégal mais le LCPD n’arrêtera pas un Buzzard sauf si le joueur tire sur un officier de police.
- A college football player nicknamed "Flash" was recruited by the mayor of an unnamed city to take on the identity of The Buzzard, Nemesis of the Underworld. The mayor supplied Flash with a number of special devices of his own invention, the first of which was a button that released a special gas that cause whoever was holding it to appear to others as a spindly old man with a beak-like nose. This illusory form would give him the element of surprise, as no one would expect such an odd looking individual to be able to strike with the strength and speed of an athlete in his prime. The Buzzard was also supplied with a flashlight-sized device that projected a disintegrator beam, and a pair of heavy gloves with razor-sharp talons at the fingertips.
- Buzzard is Barbra Jean Hart's older brother whom extremely disprove of Brock, a trait he shared with his father. He is thought to be a crazy person by everybody except Barbra Jean and eventually Reba Hart, Van Montgomery, Cheyenne Montgomery, and Jake Hart. Brock is deathly afraid of him as seen when Buzzards enters a room, he shrieks and runs, this originates from two things, one is when, according to Brock; Buzzard picked him up and threw him into a lake that was freezing cold, Buzzard later states that his Grandma dared him to and that he had no choice, and second that while Brock was sleeping. Buzzard shaved off one of Brock's eyebrows, Brock says that Buzzard keeps it in his wallet. He made fast friends with Cheyenne when he mentions that he is an alcoholic, and with Van when he menti