| - So here we meet Bob, heading out across the north-west central mid west, in an effort to get to his grandmother's house in Coh-lee-forh-nyah. You see, it's his grandmother's birthday, and he got her some nice flowers (what a good boy, why don't you do that for your grandmother?). Anyway, he's driving down the interstate thinking about football and such, when all of a sudden, mother nature comes calling. Guess he shouldn't have had that extra large Pepsi back in the city. And I suppose the second one didn't help much either. Well, since Bob is driving out in hell's half acre here, he'll just pull on to one of these side roads and drain the main vein there.
| - So here we meet Bob, heading out across the north-west central mid west, in an effort to get to his grandmother's house in Coh-lee-forh-nyah. You see, it's his grandmother's birthday, and he got her some nice flowers (what a good boy, why don't you do that for your grandmother?). Anyway, he's driving down the interstate thinking about football and such, when all of a sudden, mother nature comes calling. Guess he shouldn't have had that extra large Pepsi back in the city. And I suppose the second one didn't help much either. Well, since Bob is driving out in hell's half acre here, he'll just pull on to one of these side roads and drain the main vein there. After a few turns, he stops the car down a small dirt road. He gets out and does his business on the edge of a farmers field. All is fine and well. As he returns to his '95 civic, he gets in only to realise he has forgotten which way the highway is! Down the road, he can see a few buildings, and the makings of a small town. He'll just quickly pull in and ask for some nice, simple directions back to the interstate...