| - It is the second captured Pokémon. It was a Squirtle when in Ep 2, but evolved into Wartortle in episode 5, and finally to Blastoise in episode 10
- Tauros was captured in the Safari Zone. Like in the normal universe, Ash put it on Oak's Lab. But not captured it 30 Tauros.
- Ash captured it in Viridian Forest, although it was his third Pokémon. He's more used than Charizard, Blastoise, or Venusaur.
- It was a Pídgey captured on episode 2. It evolved on episode 5, and evolved to Pidgeot in episode 10 along with Charizard.
- It was Ash's first Pokémon. It is more powerful than Pikachu, but minor used in Battles or Contests.
- Ash mentioned that captured a Grimer, but just used it on the Elite Four to battle with Lorelei and Bruno.
- It was mentioned by Ash, it's probably the Dragonair or Dratini that seen on episode 10. It later used to beat Lance off-screen.
- Beedrill was seen as a Weedle and Kakuna in the third episode. Ash mentioned that it evolved into Beedrill and not used it anymore.
- Bulbasaur was caught on Viridian Forest, along with Pikachu. It evolved in episode 4 to Ivysaur, and finally in episode 12 to Venusaur.