| - Jennifer Hills was a young novelist, who in order to get inspiration for second novel, rented a cabin, in the woods of rural village in Louisiana. On her way to the cabin, she lost the road and stopped at a gas station. At the gas station, she accidentally spill fluids on a young men, before scaring one of his friends, causing that friend to spill gasoline on himself. As she drove off, they decided to get revenge on her, for humiliating her. For the following days, she was scared by strange sounds outside the cabin. Her visitor was Matthew, an autistic man who came to fix the broking toilet. The young man was a bit shy and after she rewarded him for his work with a kiss on the cheek, he run out the cabin. Later, at nightfall, she was visited by Matthew again, together with his friends, who are the men from the gas station. After Matthew told them that "Jennifer liked them", they have decided that it is time for Matthew to be deflowered. They started to assault her, forcing her to mimic fellatio on a bottle and gun. She escaped the cabin and was found by Sheriff Storch. Believing that she could trust him, she explained to him with what happened to her. When he went to investigate, he revealed his true intentions. Claiming that she was lying to him, to incriminate some local boys, while smoking weed and drinking. He continued by patting her down, improperly and let the boys that attacked her in, revealing that they are in cahoots. Under the lead of Storch, the men pressured Matthew into raping her. After the rape, she fled outside, butt naked, trying to get away from her rapists, who quickly get after her and continued to assault and harrass her. She was dragged to the river by her attackers, where one of the men, Andy, pushed her head underwater, while Storch anally raped her, claiming he enjoyed that more. For the next few minutesn she was stripped naked and repeately raped by the men, both vaginally as orally (by Johnny). The whole ordeal was filmed by Stanley, making the whole experience even more painful and humiliating. When they were done, Jennifer was completely broken and without any sign of direction, wandered away. Storch would try to kill her with his shotgun but she jumped from a bridge into the river, before he can hit her. Despite the sheriff's attempts to shoot her after, she had disappeared. For the next month, the rapists believed that she had committed suicide and drowned in the river. Instead, she planned her revenge in the woods, slowly growing insane. She stole Stanley's camera, with the tape containing the footage of her rape still inside the camera. Later, she left a dead bird on Johnny's balcony as well as a slipper of Jennifer and a set of bracelet; owned by Matthew, shifting the blame on the boy. Jennifer also sent the tape of her rape to Mrs. Storch, who couldn't read the tape, due to a lack of camera that could read the format. This however did spook the sheriff, who went to confront Stanley. When Matthew, who is the only one of the men who was guilt-ridden about the whole event, saw her in the woods. She lured him into a hut. They sit together on a bench, where he expressed her his regrets and at first, she seemed to comfort him, allowing him to put his head on her lap. She quickly turned on him however, putting a noose around his neck and choke him into unconsciousness, claiming that "sorry wasn't good enough". For the next few days, she would spook her attackers, starting by sending a tape to She also started to set traps and eventually was able to catch one of the guys, Stanley in a bear trap. His friend, Andy was shocked to see Stanley trapped but before he could get help, he was knocked out by Jennifer, using a baseball bat. She also knocked out Stanley. She dragged Andy to the remoted cabin and tied him, before lying him a couple of planks above an empty bath tube. After the preparation were taken, she returned to Stanley and tied him to a tree, using his fishing gear. Since he enjoyed watching her being raped and filmed it all, she has planned to return the favor. Using his own camera to film his torment, she forced him to keep his eyes open, using fish hooks. This way, he won't miss a thing of what she was going to do with him. She continued by gutting his fish, before smearing the guts of the fish into his eyes. This not only irritates his eyes, it started to attract crows, who started to peck at his face and eventually his eyes. Leaving him at the mercy of the elements, she returned to Andy who has regained consciousness. She started to fill the bath tube with water, while he struggled. She reminded him of how he forced her head underwater, during the rape and showed him that she only has to remove one board and he will have to his chest and mid section muscles to keep him from drowning. She placed the board back quickly as he threatened to kill her. She didn't do this however out of a change of heart. She did it because the bath was missing one final ingredient, lye. As he kept cursing her, she removed the board him. Each time, his muscles gave out, his head went under in the lye, slowly dissolving his face, starting with soft tissues like his tongue. Her next victim was Johnny, who forced her to mimic fellatio on his gun and later forced her to fellate him, warning her not to use her teeth. She knocked him out, removed his teeth with pliers and forced him to fellate his own gun. After she was done, she castrated him, using hedge clippers and put his genitals into his mouth, letting him bleed to death. After she left him, she went to visit the family of sheriff Storch. Introducing herself as a teacher of the family's daughter. She coerced Mrs. Storch in calling her husband, saying that their daughter's teacher wanted to meet them both. When she got the phone handed to her, she taunted Storch saying that it was "a pleasure to meet his family". After this, she told mrs. Storch that she was going to take their daughter to the park. After he didn't found her there and returned to his car, he was knocked unconscious. She strapped him up and removed his pants. Before him, she put a sleeping Matthew. When he woke up, Jennifer took his shotgun while he demanded to know what she has done with his daughter. As she reminded him that he enjoyed anal, before sodomizing him with his own shotgun. She also told him that she was just as innocent as his daughter, before he and his friends took her innocence. After she is done with him, she attached one end of a string to the the trigger. The other end of the string she attacked to Matthew's wrist. Jennifer left him, stating that "if she was him, she would tell Matthew not to move. Outside, she sat waiting, smiling when she heard the gunshot.