| - En informática, Amiga es un ordenador personal que debido a sus extraordinarias capacidades multimedia, cosechó grandes éxitos en la década de los años 80 y 90. Fue diseñada por Jay Glenn Miner y un reducido equipo de ingenieros pertenecientes a la empresa Didbit ubicada en Santa Clara, California. Fueron comercializados por Commodore International entre 1985 y 1994. Su módico precio de entrada y sus capacidades multimedia mucho más avanzadas que los compatibles PC, y Macintosh de la época; le confirió mayor popularidad entre los amantes de los videojuegos. Su sistema de explotación tiene una particularidad excepcional para la informática, consistente en ser multitarea y multimedia.
- Amiga – komputer zaprojektowany przez słynnego sapera Jay'a Minera oraz jego zespół, przy użyciu kartonu herbatników, kontenera chińskich zupek z Radomia, wywrotki piasku kwarcowego, guru oraz maty medytacyjnej. Prototyp o nazwie Lura (Loraine) powstał w 3 minuty w wyniku zimnej fuzji chińskiej zupki z resztą składników. Pewna firma stolarska, aby uchronić się przed termitami, zakupiła przybytek Jay'a wraz z całym inwentarzem, stając się tym samym producentem jednego z bardziej popularnych prezentów komunijnych oraz grantów za zaliczone sprawdziany i egzaminy.
- The Amiga home computer platform was fairly popular during the late 1980s and 90s, but it was widely considered that it was not possible to do a game like Doom on this platform due to technical restrictions of the standard Amiga graphic chipset, which was built to do scrolling sprite based games, not pixel-based rendering.
- Amiga — семейство домашних персональных компьютеров и операционных систем к ним, разработанные Amiga Corporation.
- The original Amiga was developed to provide a platform for the first ever game, Superfrog, by Charles Babbage and Tina Turner. However, he was executed in 1563 and the design was not finished until late in the following century, forcing the creation of board games and The Indoors to provide entertainment for those with nothing better to do. A sequel to the Amiga Toaster, the Amiga Microwave, was planned. However, many purists felt that the inclusion of a form of electromagnetic radiation was too much like something Evil Atari would do, so it was quickly scrapped.
- The Amiga is a family of personal computers, Commodore company's 16-bit generation home computer. The first model appeared in 1985 as a high-end product with graphical, audio and multitasking capacities ahead of its time. The most popular model, Amiga 500, was introduced in 1987 and became the leading home computer of the late 1980s and first years of 1990s in the most of West Europe. In the USA success was more modest. Amiga computers were used especially for gaming, demoscene activities and graphic and video editing. Second generation Amiga systems (A1200 and A4000 with the new AGA chipset) were released in 1992 and while technically superior in many ways, were not advertised and marketed well by Commodore and so, lost the popularity war and market share against other platforms such as I
| - The Amiga is a family of personal computers, Commodore company's 16-bit generation home computer. The first model appeared in 1985 as a high-end product with graphical, audio and multitasking capacities ahead of its time. The most popular model, Amiga 500, was introduced in 1987 and became the leading home computer of the late 1980s and first years of 1990s in the most of West Europe. In the USA success was more modest. Amiga computers were used especially for gaming, demoscene activities and graphic and video editing. Second generation Amiga systems (A1200 and A4000 with the new AGA chipset) were released in 1992 and while technically superior in many ways, were not advertised and marketed well by Commodore and so, lost the popularity war and market share against other platforms such as IBM PC compatible computers and Apple Macs, though they still remained a relatively popular with some people still using them as their main PCs up until relatively recently.
- The original Amiga was developed to provide a platform for the first ever game, Superfrog, by Charles Babbage and Tina Turner. However, he was executed in 1563 and the design was not finished until late in the following century, forcing the creation of board games and The Indoors to provide entertainment for those with nothing better to do. Commodore had wanted to make the Amiga, but instead made the Commodore Maddox(TM) first which was a lot better. It had helped them learn how to make a computer that did not suck, and could kick the ass of any Apple or Atari. Some critics say that the Commodore Maddox(TM) was the superior computer, but those people are mostly AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! PIRATES! who don't pay for software, so their opinions don't count. Because of it's dramatic flexibility, low price and ease of use, naturally few found a reason to purchase the machines. Commodore refused to market it, allegedly due to a $10 bet made by Jack Tramiel one afternoon, while he was under the influence of large amounts of alcohol. The Amiga situation changed dramatically in the early nineties, causing Commodore to decide to license out Amiga technology to the winner of a competition, given away free with packs of breakfast cereal. Within 12 months, the company which won the competition had filed for bankruptcy, so Commodore organised another competition. This soon became a yearly event, with every winner of the competition applying for bankruptcy within 12 months. Each time new, of often radical innovations to the platform led to resounding successes. Then IBM licensed the Amiga technology for OS/2 to create OS/2 2.0 leading to OS/2 Warp which almost bankrupted IBM and caused Windows to dominate the market and put Commodore and IBM out of the PC and operating system business. But both IBM and Amiga recovered from the bankruptcies and IBM moved on to Linux which was more profitable, and Amiga kept AmigaOS and went on from AmigaOS 2.0 to 3.0, and then 3.1 lead to AROS Research Operating System or AROS for short, and AmigaOS 4.0 was planned, read more for that development. John C. Dvorak stated in 2008 that AmigaOS "remains one of the great operating systems of the past 30 years, incorporating a small kernel and tremendous multitasking capabilities the likes of which have only recently been developed in OS/2, OSX, Linux, and Windows Vista. The biggest difference is that the AmigaOS could operate fully and multitask in as little as 250 K of address space." Dvorak is correct as IBM did license the Amiga GUI for OS/2 in exchange for Commodore using the REXX language for the Work Place Shell GUI in OS/2 2.0 and up. Since NT was based on the Microsoft version of OS/2, NT used some Amiga GUI technologies as did Windows 95 and above. The Amiga Workbench menu was used and placed on the bottom of NT and 95 and above Windows systems and the trashcan became the recycle can. One of these resounding successes was the Amiga 4000 Toaster. The A4000 Toaster, which not only was the most powerful computer ever made, but it could also toast bread at the same time as running other programs (using it's multitasking capability). While a few PC's can run hot enough to toast bread (ones commonly known as having been 'overclocked'), they can only do this while not running, and most commonly after their components have begun to melt. A sequel to the Amiga Toaster, the Amiga Microwave, was planned. However, many purists felt that the inclusion of a form of electromagnetic radiation was too much like something Evil Atari would do, so it was quickly scrapped. Today’s Amiga’s all use Military-Spec CPU's, and have used this power to predict everything in the known universe. However, due to the small and highly eccentric user base, 'normal' people choose to ignore these predictions, living in complete ignorance about what is going to happen at 3:15 next Tuesday afternoon. Fans are known to wait all of eternity for AmigaOS 4 to be released and industry experts predict that this is because when it does come out, Amiga enthusiasts will have the power to take over the world. However, due to a spell cast on the company by the dark lord Bill Gates, every company that makes an attempt to produce this software will become bankrupt within 2 months. If not they will end up suing each other into oblivion over the rights to AmigaOS 4.0 instead.
- En informática, Amiga es un ordenador personal que debido a sus extraordinarias capacidades multimedia, cosechó grandes éxitos en la década de los años 80 y 90. Fue diseñada por Jay Glenn Miner y un reducido equipo de ingenieros pertenecientes a la empresa Didbit ubicada en Santa Clara, California. Fueron comercializados por Commodore International entre 1985 y 1994. Su módico precio de entrada y sus capacidades multimedia mucho más avanzadas que los compatibles PC, y Macintosh de la época; le confirió mayor popularidad entre los amantes de los videojuegos. Su sistema de explotación tiene una particularidad excepcional para la informática, consistente en ser multitarea y multimedia.
- Amiga – komputer zaprojektowany przez słynnego sapera Jay'a Minera oraz jego zespół, przy użyciu kartonu herbatników, kontenera chińskich zupek z Radomia, wywrotki piasku kwarcowego, guru oraz maty medytacyjnej. Prototyp o nazwie Lura (Loraine) powstał w 3 minuty w wyniku zimnej fuzji chińskiej zupki z resztą składników. Pewna firma stolarska, aby uchronić się przed termitami, zakupiła przybytek Jay'a wraz z całym inwentarzem, stając się tym samym producentem jednego z bardziej popularnych prezentów komunijnych oraz grantów za zaliczone sprawdziany i egzaminy.
- The Amiga home computer platform was fairly popular during the late 1980s and 90s, but it was widely considered that it was not possible to do a game like Doom on this platform due to technical restrictions of the standard Amiga graphic chipset, which was built to do scrolling sprite based games, not pixel-based rendering.
- Amiga — семейство домашних персональных компьютеров и операционных систем к ним, разработанные Amiga Corporation.