| - The name of our alliance comes from King Richard's Shakespeare's play Richard III, "Now is the Winter of our Discontent / Made glorious Summer by this sun of York..." Not only are we fans of the works of the Bard, but George R. R. Martin has often stated that he has drawn inspiration for A Song of Fire and Ice from the War of the Roses, a time in history that includes the events chronicled in Richard III. Our Words are "Memento Mori", Latin for "remember you have to die", a phrase uttered to victorious Roman generals during their greatest triumphs to remind them that all success is fleeting.
- The "Winter of Discontent" is a term used to describe the British winter of 1978–1979, during which there were widespread strikes by trade unions demanding larger pay rises for their members, and the government of James Callaghan struggled to cope. Much of the basis of Callaghan's Labour Party was that it represented the unions in parliament. The strikes were a result of the attempted enforcement of the Labour government's rule that pay rises be kept below 5%, and began in private industry before spreading to the public sector; many of them seriously disrupted everyday life.
| - The "Winter of Discontent" is a term used to describe the British winter of 1978–1979, during which there were widespread strikes by trade unions demanding larger pay rises for their members, and the government of James Callaghan struggled to cope. Much of the basis of Callaghan's Labour Party was that it represented the unions in parliament. The strikes were a result of the attempted enforcement of the Labour government's rule that pay rises be kept below 5%, and began in private industry before spreading to the public sector; many of them seriously disrupted everyday life. Whilst the strikes were largely over by February 1979, the government's inability to contain the strikes earlier helped lead to Margaret Thatcher's Conservative victory in the 1979 general election and legislation to restrict unions. Public sector employees' strike action included the unofficial strike by gravediggers, working in Liverpool and Tameside and the refuse collectors' strike. Additionally, NHS ancillary workers formed picket lines to blockade hospital entrances with the result that many hospitals were reduced to taking emergency patients only. The phrase Winter of Discontent itself is derived from the opening line of William Shakespeare's Richard III: "Now is the Winter of our Discontent / Made glorious summer by this son of York…", and was popularly applied to the events of the winter by the then editor of The Sun, Larry Lamb, in an editorial.
- The name of our alliance comes from King Richard's Shakespeare's play Richard III, "Now is the Winter of our Discontent / Made glorious Summer by this sun of York..." Not only are we fans of the works of the Bard, but George R. R. Martin has often stated that he has drawn inspiration for A Song of Fire and Ice from the War of the Roses, a time in history that includes the events chronicled in Richard III. Our Words are "Memento Mori", Latin for "remember you have to die", a phrase uttered to victorious Roman generals during their greatest triumphs to remind them that all success is fleeting.