You Make Me Feel Like Dancing is a Leo Sayer song.
You Make Me Feel Like Dancing is a song originally by Leo Sayer which was sung by Homer and Barney in Homerpalooza
Leo Sayer sang his hit song "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing" with Fletcher Bird and other Bird Dancers on episode 302 of The Muppet Show. Sayer's original recording of this song went to #1 on the Billboard Hot 100, and won a Grammy in 1977 for Best R&B Song.
You Make Me Feel Like Dancing is a Leo Sayer song.
You Make Me Feel Like Dancing is a song originally by Leo Sayer which was sung by Homer and Barney in Homerpalooza
Leo Sayer sang his hit song "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing" with Fletcher Bird and other Bird Dancers on episode 302 of The Muppet Show. Sayer's original recording of this song went to #1 on the Billboard Hot 100, and won a Grammy in 1977 for Best R&B Song.