| - Oromis, ook bekend als Osthato Chetowä, De Wijze der Smarten, en Togira Ikonoka, de Gebrekkige Zonder Gebrek, een elf, en een Drakenrijder die Brom, Morzan, en later Eragon II opleidde. Hij was een filosoof en een redenaar, en was gebonden aan een mannelijke gouden draak genaamd Glaedr. in brisinger, het derde boek zullen hij en glaedr sterven in een gevecht met murtagh,maar niet alvorens glaedrs hart veilig te stellen.
- Oromis, también conocido como Osthato Chetowä, El Sabio Doliente, y Togira Ikonoka, El Lisiado Que Está Ileso, era un elfo, y un Jinete de Dragón, que entrenó a Brom, Morzan, y después a Eragon. Él éra un filósofo, y estaba unido a un dragón macho dorado, llamado Glaedr.
- Oromis Thrándurin, known as Osthato Chetowä, The Mourning Sage, and Togira Ikonoka, The-Cripple-Who-Is-Whole, was an ancient Elf and a Dragon Rider who trained Brom, Morzan, as well as later Eragon. He was a philosopher and a logician, as well as was bonded to a golden male Dragon named Glaedr. Oromis was considered by many as the wisest of the Council of the Elders.
- Oromis is an elderly elven Dragon Rider and the mentor of Eragon. Oromis was bound to the golden dragon Glaedr, who hatched for him when he was 20 years old. He trained Eragon to make him poerful enough to defeat King Galbatorix.
- Oromis was the elven Rider of Glaedr in Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle. Oromis and Glaedr were the only dragon and Rider known as of Brisingr to have survived Galbatorix's cleansing of the Dragon Riders. Oromis and Glaedr eventually became teachers to Eragon and Saphira, educating them in the ways of dragons and Riders. Oromis and his dragon were killed in Brisingr by Thorn and Murtagh when he had a spasm from an affliction, causing him to drop his sword and leaving him unable to defend himself.
- Oromis è un personaggio dell Ciclo dell'Eredità il ciclo fantasy scritto e creato da Christopher Paolini. Saggio e comprensivo, Oromis è maestro tra i Cavalieri dei draghi per moltissimi anni. Nato a Luthivíra, città distrutta della Foresta Bianca a ridosso del lago Tüdosten, fu condotto a 20 anni davanti alle uova dei draghi dove Glaedr, il drago dorato, lo ha scelto come suo Cavaliere. Dopo la fine del suo apprendistato ha viaggiato per più di 100 anni eseguendo gli ordini di Vrael e cercando di portare la pace tra le razze. Catturato dai due Rinnegati: Kialandì e Formora, Oromis è stato gravemente ferito tanto da riuscire a controllare solo gli incantesimi minori, e come ammette lui stesso ad Eragon gli resta ben poco da vivere a causa di una malattia della pelle. Fu maestro di Morzan e
- Oromis (Togira Ikonoka, "der unversehrte Krüppel", und Osthato Chäotwa, "der trauernde Weise" genannt) war ein Elf und Reiter des Drachen Glaedr. Er und Glaedr waren die Ausbilder von Eragon und Saphira in Ellesmera. Seine Existenz war seit dem Untergang der Drachenreiter eines der größten Geheimnisse des Elfenvolks. Er war der Ausbilder der Reiter Brom und Morzan.