In the machinima series Freeman's Mind and Gman Squad, the scientists at Black Mesa are former recurring characters. They are portrayed as they are portrayed in Half-Life; the typical scientist busy at work in the research facility. As in the game, they plead to the player to stop when being attacked, but if the player is injured or needs directions, they are one of the people the player can turn to for help. However, in the series, the scientists are usually subjected to the Gmen's reckless plots. In Freeman's Mind, Freeman at first seems neutral to the scientists and usually only refer to them as his co-workers. He sometimes gets very angry with them, due to their low survival instinct, lack of initiative to help him, and the fact that seemingly all most of them do is run around in circl
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| - In the machinima series Freeman's Mind and Gman Squad, the scientists at Black Mesa are former recurring characters. They are portrayed as they are portrayed in Half-Life; the typical scientist busy at work in the research facility. As in the game, they plead to the player to stop when being attacked, but if the player is injured or needs directions, they are one of the people the player can turn to for help. However, in the series, the scientists are usually subjected to the Gmen's reckless plots. In Freeman's Mind, Freeman at first seems neutral to the scientists and usually only refer to them as his co-workers. He sometimes gets very angry with them, due to their low survival instinct, lack of initiative to help him, and the fact that seemingly all most of them do is run around in circl
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| - In the machinima series Freeman's Mind and Gman Squad, the scientists at Black Mesa are former recurring characters. They are portrayed as they are portrayed in Half-Life; the typical scientist busy at work in the research facility. As in the game, they plead to the player to stop when being attacked, but if the player is injured or needs directions, they are one of the people the player can turn to for help. However, in the series, the scientists are usually subjected to the Gmen's reckless plots. In Freeman's Mind, Freeman at first seems neutral to the scientists and usually only refer to them as his co-workers. He sometimes gets very angry with them, due to their low survival instinct, lack of initiative to help him, and the fact that seemingly all most of them do is run around in circles while screaming and dying.