| - Bone Demon is an enemy in MARDEK.
- Bone Demon may refer to:
* the Bone Demon, an evil entity situed in the sunked city of Atlantis,
* the Bone Demon, another evil entity who attempt to conquer Amarillia.
- Bone Demon (骨鬼, ほねき) was a demon with the ability to rip the bones from a person's body out through their mouth by simply placing her hand in front of the victim's face. She was first introduced in the form of a beautiful, young woman walking alone at night. She encountered a man who had just murdered someone for money; he became her next victim, ripping out his bones through his mouth. Inuyasha and his companions later found the victim's crumpled up skin and learned that there were more victims missing bones. Upon hearing the demon takes the form of a beautiful woman, Miroku immediately insisted on meeting her. He was joined only by Sango as Kagome remained behind with Inuyasha, who had become human.
- The Hellfire variant is a relatively powerful being that resides in the lower levels of the Crypt. Along with its claw attacks, it fires magic missiles that do significant damage. The attack type of this monster is the same as Magma Demons'. The monster is an undead, but a special case: it's resistant to Holy Bolt. In addition, it has immunities to both elemental types of spells: fire and lightning, so the only recommended spells against it are Stone Curse, Apocalypse, Golem, Berserk, Flash, Blood Star and Bone Spirit.
- The Bone Demon was tasked by the Foot Mystics with the job of retrieving the Shredder's armor in order to revive the one true Shredder. He was made invisible thanks to an amulet created by the Foot Mystics so that he could follow Ancient One and sneak into Lap of the Gods unnoticed. Unfortunately the day he was tasked with this Master Splinter and the Ninja Turtles (back when they were children) came to visit the Ancient One in order to return Hamato Yoshi's ashes in his ancestral home. While visiting the Ancient One the Turtles were startled by the presence of the Bone Demon despite not being seen by neither Maser Splinter or The Ancient One. Everytime the Bone Demon was spotted by the turtles Master Splinter would excuse as the Turtle's imagination. Eventually when the turtles were about