| - Name: White Guardian Gender: Male Age: Unknown, at least billions of years old (older than the universe) Classification: Guardian of Time, embodiment of light & order, rival of the Black Guardian Powers and Abilities: Higher dimensional existence, reality warping, time manipulation, immortality, cosmic awareness, conceptual embodiment, light manipulation, telepathy, telekinesis, energy manipulation, combines with the other Guardians to become the Six-Fold God, nigh-omniscience, omnipresence. Stamina: Infinite Range: High Complex Multiversal Standard Equipment: The Key to Time
- The White Guardian is one of the Guardians of Time, along with the Black Guardian and the color-coded New Paradigm Guardians added by the novels. The Guardians control all of reality, personifying opposing concepts. And it's not at all racist that the White Guardian embodies good while the Black Guardian embodies evil. Even though the White Guardian looks like a Southern plantation owner in a straw hat sipping mint juleps. Even though he later tells Five that the lesser races... OK, I can't finish this paragraph.
- Originating in the universe before N-Space, (PROSE: Divided Loyalties) the White Guardian was one of six beings, the Six-Fold God, that were at the pinnacle of reality. (PROSE: The Quantum Archangel) The White Guardian sent the Fourth Doctor and Romana I on a quest to find the six segments of the Key to Time, changed into a variety of forms and scattered across time and space. Assembling them, he said, would allow the restoration of balance and order by freezing all time for just a moment. He warned them of the Black Guardian, who also sought the Key. (TV: The Ribos Operation) After they had assembled the first two segments, he warned them of the Black Guardian again, as a disembodied voice. (TV: The Stones of Blood)
| - The White Guardian is one of the Guardians of Time, along with the Black Guardian and the color-coded New Paradigm Guardians added by the novels. The Guardians control all of reality, personifying opposing concepts. And it's not at all racist that the White Guardian embodies good while the Black Guardian embodies evil. Even though the White Guardian looks like a Southern plantation owner in a straw hat sipping mint juleps. Even though he later tells Five that the lesser races... OK, I can't finish this paragraph. Anyway, when the Doctor meets him later, the straw hat is gone. Instead, he wears a dead pigeon now. Dead pigeons are cool. The White Guardian is, as he claims, powerful far beyond the need for technology. Technology like his easily-jammed holographic transmitter, the Key to Time, and the Enlightenment crystal. His main function in the universe is to send the Doctor on quests to find the Key to Time. He does this with Four and Romana in The Stones of Blood. In Big Finish Land, he sends Five and Amy (not that one) on another quest for it. In the DWM comics for the show's 30th anniversary special, he sends Seven, Ace, and Benny to find it yet again. He really needs one of those key locator things where you can just ask your phone where you left it. Or maybe he can fit Time with one of those electronic lock things so he doesn't even need a key, he can just push a button on his phone, like my car has. But sometimes he does other things. Well, just one other thing, just one time. He makes a deal with the Black Guardian to hold a race for the Eternals to see who deserves Enlightenment and then cheats by getting the Doctor to interfere in the race so nobody wins. Because he is the very embodiment of fair play. According to the novels, at the end of the universe, whoever currently holds the mantle of the Lords of Time gets to survive to the next universe and become the new Guardians. So Whitey was the previous universe's equivalent of Rassilon, which explains a lot. Bravo Hinton.
- Originating in the universe before N-Space, (PROSE: Divided Loyalties) the White Guardian was one of six beings, the Six-Fold God, that were at the pinnacle of reality. (PROSE: The Quantum Archangel) The White Guardian sent the Fourth Doctor and Romana I on a quest to find the six segments of the Key to Time, changed into a variety of forms and scattered across time and space. Assembling them, he said, would allow the restoration of balance and order by freezing all time for just a moment. He warned them of the Black Guardian, who also sought the Key. (TV: The Ribos Operation) After they had assembled the first two segments, he warned them of the Black Guardian again, as a disembodied voice. (TV: The Stones of Blood) The White Guardian and the Black Guardian offered Enlightenment, symbolised by a crystal of unknown powers and great value, as a prize to the winner of a space race undertaken by Eternals. Turlough threw the crystal at the Black Guardian, who vanished in a burst of flames. The White Guardian explained that the Black Guardian would exist as long as he did, until neither was needed any longer. (TV: Enlightenment) On another quest to find the Key to Time, the Fifth Doctor and Abby found him in 9th century Sudan, crammed in "a measly number of dimensions small enough to count on one hand, a human hand" (as he said). He posed as the Legate of the Caliph, the embodiment of law in that era, collecting taxes and punishing tax evaders such as Lord Cassim. He was only in Sudan after he followed the TARDIS there. This was Order's way of finding the Fifth Segment of the Key to Time. His adversary and he did not trust each other to carry out the Doctor's orders, and watched each other as they worked. When the Doctor left the Sudan, he was stranded there, waiting for the universe to end. (AUDIO: The Destroyer of Delights) He remained there for so long he forgot who he was. Eventually, Zara found him and took him to Atrios, where he became Professor Lydel, the scientific adviser for Princess Astra's mission to the Chaos Pool. Thanks to Amy and the Doctor arriving, he came in contact with the segments of the Key, and was rejuvenated. He tried to take the Key from the Doctor when he assembled it, using the Teuthoidian's army, which happened to be on Chaos. He failed, and was returned to the Howling Void and his eternal struggle with the Black Guardian by the Grace. (AUDIO: The Chaos Pool) The White Guardian later sent the Seventh Doctor, Ace and Benny on a quest to find the six segments of the Key to Time, scattered across the Doctor's personal timeline when he last disassembled it. (COMIC: Time & Time Again)
- Name: White Guardian Gender: Male Age: Unknown, at least billions of years old (older than the universe) Classification: Guardian of Time, embodiment of light & order, rival of the Black Guardian Powers and Abilities: Higher dimensional existence, reality warping, time manipulation, immortality, cosmic awareness, conceptual embodiment, light manipulation, telepathy, telekinesis, energy manipulation, combines with the other Guardians to become the Six-Fold God, nigh-omniscience, omnipresence. Attack Potency: High Complex Multiverse level (One of the most powerful beings in the Six-Fold realm, stronger than even the Great Intelligence, and is a part of The Six-Fold God) Stamina: Infinite Range: High Complex Multiversal Standard Equipment: The Key to Time Weaknesses: Has to follow the codes of conduct set down by the Grace, otherwise none