- Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.
- PLUNDER was forged by Unicron to serve as the Sweeps' Logistics Officer. While dedicated to the hunt, Plunder’s optics often stray to the valuables his prey may be carrying. Considered by his fellow Decepticons to be one of the more personable Sweeps, rumors persist of Plunder’s temper and ability to hold a grudge. Plunder was rumored to have been Unicron’s informant within the Sweeps. Plunder is slightly weaker than the rest of his fellow Sweeps and his lust for treasure leads Plunder into traps and fights he can’t win.
- The main goal of plunder is to bring the treasure (a large idol) back to a treasure chest in your teams base. The game mode shares similarities with "Capture the Flag" from other online franchises. The treasure can be picked up by pressing File:PlayStationTriangle.svg when the player is beside it. It can be arc-thrown by holding L2 to aim, and releasing L2 to throw. While carrying the treasure, players can aim their pistol using L1 and can fire it with R1. The player moves much more slowly than they normally would when carrying the treasure. You can only use your secondary weapon while holding the treasure.
- Plunder may refer to:
* Looting - An ability that can also be referred to as Plunder.
* Plunder - Episode 10 of the anime.
- Plundering is when you send some soldiers into an opponent's town to go and steal resources. I am busy plundering someone and will update this when I figure out all the details.
- plunders live near water in almost every forest in Hiatu. they are rarely seen. thet look like sudowoodo when you find them but istead of getting one wet you have to use cut, rock smash, and defog on one to catch it.
- Plunder (Japanese: うばいとる Plunder) is a Dark-type Physical move introduced in Generation V.
- The secondary ability of the pirate cutthroat is steals credits from an enemy player by using this ability on a ship. The ability is identified by a small floating credit sign over ships it has been used on.
- Captain Plunder is a terran vulture pilot and member of the Omega Squadron 28th.
- Plunder is an assassin from a mirror universe, a counterpart of police officer Jared Morillo in the real world.
- Plunder was the mirror world version of Detective Jared Morillo. He was the exact opposite in personality to his counterpart as well as an opposite occupation. Flash journeyed to the mirror world once and fought Plunder who was out to kill him for money. The Fastest Man Alive managed to escape from the demented world but unknown to him at the time, Plunder also managed to make his way out of the mirror world. Once in the real world, Plunder joined Blacksmith's Rogues and his objective was to help ruin Flash's life by attacking his loved ones. His first target was Flash's best friend, Chunk, whom he shot with a special bullet that made Chunk's powers flare and turned him into a living black hole. Flash saved his friend and Plunder went after his next victim, this time his own reflection, Ja
- Plunder is an amount of resources given, when destroying or razing a building, capturing a city, or slaying specific enemy units. Destroying or razing a building or a wonder always yields a fixed amount of a particular resource, which usually matches the type of structure (e.g., destroying/razing a Farm or Granary always yields some Food). When an enemy building is destroyed while it's being constructed, a share of plunder based on the level of completion is given. When a building is destroyed while it's being razed, the plunder in turn goes to the enemy. Knowledge is the only resource which cannot be acquired this way - except when destroying the Super Collider wonder, which gives a large amount of Knowledge.