- In the 3D versions, it has an attack power of 30 with an accuracy of 95 with the same properties as the 2D versions. Dark Knight Cecil can equip this sword, and if Golbez is hacked into the party, he'll be able to equip it as well.
- The Deathbringer or the FAS-FSP5 Khopesh is an ancient war machine manufactured by the Faro Automated Solutions as part of the Peacekeeper line of automated defense systems. Like all corrupted Faro machines, the Deathbringer is capable of self-replication and is fueled by biomass. Unlike the Corruptor, it does not hijack other machines but rather deploys overwhelming firepower against enemies.
- A Deathbringer is a Series Two sentient mechanoid designed to visit planets wracked by plague and terminate the dying painlessly (if they so choose to die then, of course). Just who made the Deathbringers is unknown, but they maybe should have chosen a nicer-sounding name for them.
- The Deathbringer (デスブリンガー) is a weapon in the series.
- Deathbringer is a weapon in Dragon Quest Swords. It is available from the start of the game on a Payback Mode save file. This mode is available after completing a normal save file and defeating Edahs 'Sophix. It is considered an uber weapon as it is approximately 70 points stronger than the next strongest sword (Dragon Warrior's Sword). The sword takes it's name from the chief villain of the game Xiphos the Deathbringer.
- Prized greatsword that inspires morbid fascination.
* Ring of the Labyrinth (The Weaponmaster, Task 52) - Obtain a Deathbringer (After Koenigsdorf).
- Deathbringer or Deebs to most people is a bubble gum bunny that was accidentally created by Jyrras while experimenting with raw magic and crewing bubble gum. Deebs seem to have the personality of a small child.
- Deathbringers are enemies in Shining in the Darkness.
- The Deathbringer was a Gladiator-class Star Destroyer used by Kev-Mas Colcha during his time as an Emperor's Shadow Guard. The Ship housed the 53rd Stormtrooper Legion, and their attached squadrons, Hunter and Destroyer Squadrons. It featured facilities for meditation, training, and advanced targeting training. As well as the facilities to house the Crimson Phoenix. After the events of the Battle of Endor Colcha, and his loyal troopers and crew fled the Empire for the unknown regions, where they reformatted themselves into the Pirates of Twilight.
- Deathbringer is a male NightWing assassin and Queen Glory's love interest, apparent bodyguard, and boyfriend (according to Tui). He is also a good friend of most of the other Dragonets of Destiny. When he first appeared in The Hidden Kingdom, he had been ordered by the NightWings to assassinate some of the dragonets, with his first target being Glory and his second being Tsunami. However, Deathbringer demonstrated his affection for Glory by moving his target to Blaze, injuring her in an attempted assassination which was stopped by Tsunami. Glory has somewhat shown signs of returning his feelings toward her, growing stronger as the series moves on. In an interview with Tui, she stated that Glory and Deathbringer are definitely in a relationship because of the way they have both been affecti