| - Spears are among the weakest weapons in the game. They are thrown in a straight line, have a short range and do 5 points of damage to enemies. The advantage of spears is that they are always thrown at the same speed at which Bouapha would throw Hammers after picking up 4 Pants of Power. One bundle of Spears includes 20 throwable projectiles.
- This page is for common spears. It is not for legendary spears or spears that are made for a certain faction.
- Spears are a type of weapon in Demon's Souls.
- The white metal spears are found by the Sanctuary of the Clans entrance and other places.
- Spears are the term used to refer to a type of long spike which can exist as static or active weapons. Series 1 Grand Finalist T.R.A.C.I.E. and Arena Semi-Finalist Nemesis were among the first robots to use either kind of spear in Robot Wars, with other notable examples including Tornado (both retracting (Series 4) and static (Series 6)) Spikasaurus (static), 101 (retracting) and Spawn of Scutter (retracting). House Robot Cassius Chrome was also equipped with a pair of retracting spears as part of his weaponry.
- Spears are small, quick attacking weapons that do minor damage. This weapon is used by the Dragon Knight. There a total of 22 spears in WKC.
- Spears are that can damage enemies from a distance. There are many different kinds of spears, such as the Galadhrim, Orc, mithril, and bronze spears. Certain mobs can spawn with spears, such as Gondor soldiers, Orcs, or Galadhrim warriors.
- Spears are one of the two warrior weapons that have piercing damage. They are different to rapiers in that they have a smooth part in order to be held, instead of a handle. When equipped, they allow using powers of the piercing weapons discipline, though passives will always be effective.
- Private Spears was a U.S. Army Ranger who appeared in Call of Duty 2. He was seen defending the coastal road from the German counterattack. He was behind cover next to a Browning .30 Cal, where he was hit by an MG42.
- Spears are used for both hunting and warfare. They were the staple weapon of the common soldier as they were easy to make, and were the most effective for anti cavalry. Lightened versions could also be thrown, but early versions were simply too heavy. Spears were common in Middle-earth. The Vanyar were famous for their spears. The Rangers of the Grey Company bore spears, as well as swords and bows.
- Here is the list of spears that appear in Secret of Mana.
- Spears is an NPC at the right side of the mall in Moonhaven. He sells one-handed spears.
- Spears are long and piercing Melee Weapons, used for hitting or stabbing, mainly used by Amazons in Diablo II. They exist in both one-handed and two-handed variants, and are different from polearms. Spears pierce foes from a slightly safer distance than shorter melee weapons, allowing the wielder to enjoy the thrill of killing something up close while limiting the risk of being killed back.
- Note to any future editors: this article should include information on the variants of the spear as well; namely, the javelin and pike. I do not want new articles for these weapons because they are not utilized in Lair; I just want people to know about the different versions.
- Spears are much like Shortswords in that they strike through infinite targets in a straight line extending from the player. Unlike Shortswords, however, Spears can be aimed. Most players prefer Spears over equivalently-tiered Shortswords due to the fact that Spears have more range and can hit the same target multiple times. The best prefix that can be applied to a spear is Godly since spears' size cannot be affected. Spears are affected by increases in melee attack speed (eg. Shadow Armor set bonus) and damage (eg. Molten Armor set bonus).
- Spears are offensive weaponry that provides burst damage. Spears have an attack range of 450. There are seven different spears. Four spears (Basic, Iron, Steel, Dark) are constructed in the Armory, and the other three (Poison, Refined Poison, Ultra Poison) are constructed in a Witch Doctor's Hut. Some spears have a 60% chance of recovery after throwing, so it is wise to keep an inventory slot open if using spears. Doing this ensures you will be able to pick it up quickly and easily.
- Spears was an Asset Containment Unit trooper at Jurassic World on Isla Nublar in 2015. His team included himself, Austin (his commander), Miller and Cooper. His team was sent in to recapture the escaped Indominus rex.
- Spears es la mejor amiga de Mercury. Le encantan los colores rojo y amarillo (Colores de España) y el blanco y negro (Colores del Yin y el Yang). Odia, como varios alumnos, al profesor del colegio al que acude. Tiene once años. Tiene bastantes amigos. No le preocupa su imagen. Es naturalista y le encanta desarrollar su mente. Hasta ahora, puede flotar con el pensamiento en el aire y doblar cucharas. Es bastante agradable, pero no le gusta que los audultos le digan lo que tiene que hacer. Es bastante madrugadora. Aunque saca buenas notas, no tiene por qué (Según ella) alegrarse, ya que es huérfana. Casi nunca llora. Es valiente, alegre... Una buena amiga. Cuando se enfada, su mente actúa sola y puede hacer demasiado daño a alguien. Sus bonitos ojos plateados, reflejan un aura misteriosa y a
- A spear is a weapon composed of a pole with a blade at one tip. When using a spear to attack, the player character's Spear combat skill determines the damage done to the target. Spears can also be thrown. The effectiveness of spears as both standard melee and ranged weapons is diminished but the fact that they can be used for both makes them very flexible weapons for hunters. The player can make the staff and the javelin from few raw materials.