| - Appearance is a physical trait that may be an advantage, a disadvantage, or a 0-point feature. At its extreme ends, it may not be suitable for normal human characters. Appearance has the special options Androgenous and Impressive, the special enhancement Universal, and the special limitation Off-the-Shelf Looks. It is described in Basic Set, p. 21, and is referenced GURPS Dungeon Fantasy™ 2:Dungeons, p. 15, on bargaining with merchants; GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 3: The Next Level, pp. 5 and 14-15, in racial templates; GURPS Fantasy™, p. 128, on its affect on other races; and GURPS Space, p. 221, again on its affect on other races.
- Appearence don't have an effect to the gameplay. It only changes your look. - can be purchased for Credits in Dome City at the Armor/Suit/Helm Vendor. - can be purchased for Credits in Dome City at the Armor/Suit/Helm Vendor. - can be purchased for Credits in Dome City at the Dye Vendor. - can be purchased for Agenda Points in Dome City at Burning Fashion, and Skyward Jetpacks usually for AP but some for tokens only at Skyward jetpacks.
- Appearance is the 375th chapter of Akira Amano's Katekyō Hitman Reborn!
- Appearance is one of the main attributes in ADOM, the seventh value displayed to the right of your character's name. Its abbreviation is Ap.
- When you first start Dreamlords on a new account or after a wipe, you can choose the gender (male/female) and color (out of 12 options). Your Dreamlord receives no clothing or other equipment unless bought or earned through contests or progress on the Patria.
- Many times in addition to being functional, we want the things in our homes to have a certain appearance. The appearance may be specific to the object or room, or it may be general to the overall home. The desired appearance may be a style, like "modern", or a mode, like "playful". You might want an object to standout as the central point of focus in a room, in which case the other objects in the room should probably be less attention getting. Image:Wiki.png This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it!
- Appearance describes you in terms of your physical features (such as voice or bone structure) and force of presence. You do not necessarily need beauty to have a high Appearance, you only need looks that somehow attract others to you. Appearance is vital in first impressions, and any social situation where words are not exchanged.
- Appearance genes control which sprites are used for a creature's body parts. When you think of a norn 'she's got her mother's eyes', this is the type of gene that controls that inheritance. There is one gene for each body part, from head to tail tip of the creature. Appearance genes do not control the colouration of a creature, the pigment genes do that. If it is specified in the genome to use a sprite that you do not own, the game engine will use the sprites of the previous breed slot instead.
- Items placed in the Appearance tab's slots have NO affect on anything except your appearance, though you also must attune some equipment to wear it. To access and equip items in the appearance slots: 1.
* Press C to open the Character window 2.
* Click on the Appearance Tab 3.
* Drag the desired item from your bag (inventory) to the appropriate slot. In addition to appearance gear, mounts can be equipped in appearance slots; to do so, look for the Mount tab in the Character window and drop a mount of the same type (ground-type to replace ground, flying-type for flying) in the appearance slot provided there.
- Appearance defines what an object looks like in the game, with various appearances defined for creatures, placeables, and doors. Some game mechanics rely on a creature's appearance rather than race. (For example, certain non-fleshy appearances cannot be petrified by flesh to stone.)
- There is no face generator in NWN2. Appearance customization is handled by selecting a base head, then choosing hairstyle and facial hair and tinting it. In the official campaign skin and hair colour palettes are limited to specific subraces, i.e it is impossible to create a drow with red skin and green hair. (Antony Davis, Official NWN2 forums) Humans will have around 15 base heads, half-orcs 6 heads, elves 6 heads, dwarves 6 heads, half-elves 6 heads and sub-races will have between 3 and 6 heads each. There are between 10 and 25 hair and/or facial hair combinations. (ALFA A-Kon report )
| - Appearance is a physical trait that may be an advantage, a disadvantage, or a 0-point feature. At its extreme ends, it may not be suitable for normal human characters. Appearance has the special options Androgenous and Impressive, the special enhancement Universal, and the special limitation Off-the-Shelf Looks. It is described in Basic Set, p. 21, and is referenced GURPS Dungeon Fantasy™ 2:Dungeons, p. 15, on bargaining with merchants; GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 3: The Next Level, pp. 5 and 14-15, in racial templates; GURPS Fantasy™, p. 128, on its affect on other races; and GURPS Space, p. 221, again on its affect on other races.
- Appearence don't have an effect to the gameplay. It only changes your look. - can be purchased for Credits in Dome City at the Armor/Suit/Helm Vendor. - can be purchased for Credits in Dome City at the Armor/Suit/Helm Vendor. - can be purchased for Credits in Dome City at the Dye Vendor. - can be purchased for Agenda Points in Dome City at Burning Fashion, and Skyward Jetpacks usually for AP but some for tokens only at Skyward jetpacks.
- Items placed in the Appearance tab's slots have NO affect on anything except your appearance, though you also must attune some equipment to wear it. To access and equip items in the appearance slots: 1.
* Press C to open the Character window 2.
* Click on the Appearance Tab 3.
* Drag the desired item from your bag (inventory) to the appropriate slot. In addition to appearance gear, mounts can be equipped in appearance slots; to do so, look for the Mount tab in the Character window and drop a mount of the same type (ground-type to replace ground, flying-type for flying) in the appearance slot provided there. Since the introduction of the appearance slots, several items have been added to the game to give the look of bare arms, hands, feet, chests on male characters, etc. All have "Imperceptible Beauty" in their names and they can be purchased with City Tokens each month during the City Festivals from the 1st - 7th. Some, but not all appearance gear, sold on the Station Marketplace includes Imperceptible Beauty pieces as well. The Station Marketplace sets that include such items are typically found in Appearance Armor category within the Casual Clothes section (eg. Northweave Black Clothing Crate). The items that make up the Imperceptible Beauty Set will display bare skin, with a few exceptions. Equipping the Breastplate of Imperceptible Beauty will make the ragged "underwear" top show instead on female characters. Equipping the Loincloth of Imperceptible Beauty has a similar effect on both male and female characters, showing the lower half of the default "underwear" (essentially a ragged pants look for males or a ragged skirt for females). For a complete list of items that give the look of bare skin, see the Imperceptible Beauty (Armor Set) page.
- Appearance is the 375th chapter of Akira Amano's Katekyō Hitman Reborn!
- Appearance is one of the main attributes in ADOM, the seventh value displayed to the right of your character's name. Its abbreviation is Ap.
- When you first start Dreamlords on a new account or after a wipe, you can choose the gender (male/female) and color (out of 12 options). Your Dreamlord receives no clothing or other equipment unless bought or earned through contests or progress on the Patria.
- Many times in addition to being functional, we want the things in our homes to have a certain appearance. The appearance may be specific to the object or room, or it may be general to the overall home. The desired appearance may be a style, like "modern", or a mode, like "playful". You might want an object to standout as the central point of focus in a room, in which case the other objects in the room should probably be less attention getting. Image:Wiki.png This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it!
- Appearance describes you in terms of your physical features (such as voice or bone structure) and force of presence. You do not necessarily need beauty to have a high Appearance, you only need looks that somehow attract others to you. Appearance is vital in first impressions, and any social situation where words are not exchanged.
- There is no face generator in NWN2. Appearance customization is handled by selecting a base head, then choosing hairstyle and facial hair and tinting it. In the official campaign skin and hair colour palettes are limited to specific subraces, i.e it is impossible to create a drow with red skin and green hair. (Antony Davis, Official NWN2 forums) Humans will have around 15 base heads, half-orcs 6 heads, elves 6 heads, dwarves 6 heads, half-elves 6 heads and sub-races will have between 3 and 6 heads each. There are between 10 and 25 hair and/or facial hair combinations. (ALFA A-Kon report ) Hair can be a little longer than shoulder length. Dwarven beards are all around chest length.(ALFA A-Kon report )
- Appearance defines what an object looks like in the game, with various appearances defined for creatures, placeables, and doors. Some game mechanics rely on a creature's appearance rather than race. (For example, certain non-fleshy appearances cannot be petrified by flesh to stone.) A part-based appearance is a special appearance for creatures where the definition of what the creature looks like is divided into pieces, each individually modifiable. While changing the appearance of a part will change what is seen on the screen, this does not change the creature's designated appearance. Furthermore, the options for each part are dependent on the appearance designation, so part-based appearances are not interchangeable. (For example, when creating a human player character, the part-based "human" appearance is used. Various parts, such as the head, can be changed, but the appearance is still designated "human". Furthermore, the choices are not the same for a different part-based appearance, such as the part-based "dwarf" appearance.) That is, this is a case where there is a disparity between an appearance as defined by the game and what appears on the screen.
- Appearance genes control which sprites are used for a creature's body parts. When you think of a norn 'she's got her mother's eyes', this is the type of gene that controls that inheritance. There is one gene for each body part, from head to tail tip of the creature. Appearance genes do not control the colouration of a creature, the pigment genes do that. If it is specified in the genome to use a sprite that you do not own, the game engine will use the sprites of the previous breed slot instead.