| - The series is entering into its second season! But the Yorozuya have other concerns: a battle of wits and deception to take reign of the nabe pot!
- Coming sooner or later.
- A Flower Blooms in the Rain is the 25th episode of the Fairy Tail anime. It first aired on April 12, 2010. Mirajane discovers the way to stop the Super Giant Mage Phantom MK II from casting Abyss Break upon Magnolia. They move to defeat Phantom Lord Guild's strongest team, the Element 4, which is actually the power source of the Giant Mage. They manage to defeat three of the four. Only Aria, the strongest of the four, is left standing.
- Target: Sakura (対象:さくら Taishō: Sakura?) is episode 25 of the Rin-ne anime.
- Naraku's Insidious Plot is the twenty-fifth episode of the InuYasha anime.
- Hube once again attacks Yuuri and Conrad defends Yuuri . Gwendal decides that he must die for his crimes. Both Greta and Nicola do their best to try and help Hube. But will their help be enough? Will Hube be killed or will he live to see his child born? After Nicola's baby boy is born Yuuri decides to adopt Greta.
- ’’Home Theaters vs. Cinema, Online News vs. Paper, Sony’s Poor Copy Protection, Manlejandro’’
- "Episode 25", or, "On the Wings of Love" is the eighteenth episode of Season 2 of Twin Peaks, and the twenty-sixth episode of the series as a whole. It originally aired April 4th, 1991.
- Episode 25 was aired on September 18, 2012.
- Saturday, December 17th, 2005 – running time 49:02 Diggnation on Tivo, Credit Card 2GB USB, RIAA's Propaganda Site, iPod Nano Case, Pencil Carving, Japanese Emoticons, Great Desktop Backgrounds, Da Vinci Code Trailer and Bill Gate's House. Notes. First time cachefly sponsors
- Stand Strong, Kenichi! Miu's Kiss!(死守せよケンイチ!美羽のくちびる) is the 25th episode of the History Strongest Disciple Kenichi series. It first aired on March 31, 2007.
- The Birth of a Superbeing(超生物の誕生!!Chō Seibutsu no Tanjō}!!) is the twenty-fifth episode of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime. It is also the sixteenth episode of Battle Tendency. It covers Chapter 109 through most of Chapter 111 of the manga.
- Episode 25 is an episode of Drunken Peasants. It was the first episode where Scotty and TJ sucked Ben's cock for the entire show. It was also the debut of Scotty Cena.
- After numerous attempts to complete the Devil's Thirty Thirty, Ikki performs one final jump, reaching 35.09m and beating the previous 34.2m record set by Sora.
- I Accept Your Last Wish! is the 25th episode of the Gurren Lagann anime. It first aired on September 16th 2007.
- Kuwabara's Fight of Love is the twenty-fifth episode of season 1 of YuYu Hakusho. It aired on April 10, 1993 in Japan and April 7, 2003 in the United States.
- This is the twenty-fifth epsiode of the Internet Podcast. It was released on March 19, 2012. It featured Mike, Dylon, Andrew, and Ray.
- The twenty-fifth episode of Hetalia: Axis Powers was broadcast on July 10, 2009. It continues to adapt the webcomic version of Liechtenstein's Journal Of Swiss Dopiness, as well as the Extra Story entitled America And England.
- Episode 25 (Beyond the winding Road) ist die fünfundzwanzigste Episode der Anime Adaption von Pandora Hearts. Die fünfundzwanzigste Episode von Pandora Hearts lief am 24. September 2009 zum ersten Mal im japanischen Fernsehen auf dem Sender TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System). In Deutschland erschien die fünfundzwanzigste Episode in der vierten DVD Box von Pandora Hearts.
- To everyone's misfortune, the Kamiya Kasshin-ryu has fallen on hard times, leaving nothing but a sweetfish for the guys to eat. Being further chastised for their laziness and lack of effort to find work outside by Kaoru, Kenshin, Sanosuke, and Yahiko hear of a grand job opening and take up the offer in hopes of making up for their slacking. However, out on the open seas, a notorious group of pirates have pilfered and plundered all ships they have come across in the seas of Edo. As the skies darken, a storm awaits for the Kenshingumi!
- [[Category:Season |025]]ca:Episodi 25it:Episodio 25fr:Épisode 25es:Episodio 25 "The Emergence of the Superb Kicking Skill: Sanji vs. the Iron Wall Pearl" is the 25th episode of the One Piece anime.
- Yes and No is the name of the 25th episode of the Bakuman anime. It aired on April 2, 2011.
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