| - Delek Wrentar was born on Corellia to a minor noble family under Henrietta and Hamish. He was two years younger than his brother Charles, though they were never far apart. Both of his parents were, to Delek, seen as power-hungry, and Charles had been nurtured to mimic their ways. They were often hostile to other noble families and were corrupt in their actions. Despite this, Delek was treated the same way for his first few years, but refrained himself from taking it further when he saw how they bludgeoned their way to success.
| - Delek Wrentar was born on Corellia to a minor noble family under Henrietta and Hamish. He was two years younger than his brother Charles, though they were never far apart. Both of his parents were, to Delek, seen as power-hungry, and Charles had been nurtured to mimic their ways. They were often hostile to other noble families and were corrupt in their actions. Despite this, Delek was treated the same way for his first few years, but refrained himself from taking it further when he saw how they bludgeoned their way to success. By his first decade, Delek was excelling in school, though was neglected by his family because he was not showing the traits that his parents tried to force upon him. His attitude towards peers and colleagues was more positive than the rest of his family. Paying far more attention to Charles, they prevented Delek from progressing properly through school, and his brother entered the Imperial Academy much earlier than Delek, aged 14 at the time.