| - Few can keep up with the wildly veering conversations of WAI-NIN'WA-N'DA. Maybe it's their dual lasercores working in concert, maybe they're just strange, but this is one Junkion that takes conversational drift to a whole new level. Though their speech is easier to follow than most, this is because of an effort on their part to make the medium easier for others to understand, and the message harder. WAI-NIN'WA-N'DA is/are possibly one of the more unusual Junkion designs out there. Way, way out there. Converting from twin femmes of a rather solid build, known as Wa-n'Da, into a pair of patchwork station wagons, as cars they're capable of fair speeds, hitting 120 mph with ease on the road. When in femme form, they are capable of limited flight using rocket boosters in their backs and legs. W
| - Few can keep up with the wildly veering conversations of WAI-NIN'WA-N'DA. Maybe it's their dual lasercores working in concert, maybe they're just strange, but this is one Junkion that takes conversational drift to a whole new level. Though their speech is easier to follow than most, this is because of an effort on their part to make the medium easier for others to understand, and the message harder. WAI-NIN'WA-N'DA is/are possibly one of the more unusual Junkion designs out there. Way, way out there. Converting from twin femmes of a rather solid build, known as Wa-n'Da, into a pair of patchwork station wagons, as cars they're capable of fair speeds, hitting 120 mph with ease on the road. When in femme form, they are capable of limited flight using rocket boosters in their backs and legs. When combat is called for, they each carry a potent energy-shotgun, or make use of their combined form and merge into a powerful warrior, Wai'nin. A male warrior, whose left arm is a mighty cannon complete with bayonet, and whose right bears brutally spiked knuckles . His fearsome appearance belies his relatively gentle personality. Despite his great aptitude for war, he'd rather tear apart bad movies than people.