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The invention of the internet mearly a mile stone shows that the human race is millions, billions, trillions of years behind leading civilisations and are a bunch of saviges (proved by the fact you can still remember what a milestone was for). See also 42

  • Internet
  • Internet
  • Internet
  • Internet
  • Internet
  • Internet
  • Internet
  • Internet
  • Internet
  • Internet
  • Internet
  • Internet
  • Internet
  • The invention of the internet mearly a mile stone shows that the human race is millions, billions, trillions of years behind leading civilisations and are a bunch of saviges (proved by the fact you can still remember what a milestone was for). See also 42
  • The internet is life, silly! It eats people's time for brunch and DINNER , for that is it's job. In an interview from late last year, he stated "The fun thing about this job is that it has variety. One second, i'm eating the hate of an emo kid, the next i'm feeding on a troll's spam! "THIS IS DELICIOUS" -wolframalpha.com:
  • The internet (a.k.a teh_intarwebz) is a most wonderful place. It is yet unknown how many internets there are, but it is the duty of the 1337 to track them down and contain them for further study so we can use that information to make our internet better. The best way to have complete control of the world is to hijack the internet. Then all the WoW and porn addicts will bend to your will in order to get what they want.
  • Internet (net) est un ancien réseau informatique mondial sur Terre au XXème et XXIème siècle. Dans les années 2020, l'Interface devient le principal moyen public d'accéder au net. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part I", "Past Tense, Part II")
  • Der Begriff internet ist in genau dieser Form in ganz Europa gebräuchlich. Da er sich ausserdem konfliktfrei in die Europäische Sprache einfügt ist seine Einführung ohne weitere Veränderungen naheliegend.
  • The Counter Terrorist Unit had an Internet Protocol Manager.
  • Internet es una red de computadoras que aparece en los juegos de Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV y Grand Theft Auto V.
  • The Internet was the The Fan's and The Enemy's mom. She was also The Balance's wife. During some unknown event, the following information was falsified; however she still exists in some capacity.
  • Internet is a short 30-minute movie about Internet memes and characters, due out September 30, 2013.
  • Internet - najważniejszy wynalazek świata, coś w rodzaju globalnego śmietnika. Sieć ta mieści największą encyklopedię świata, najwięcej seksownych dziewczyn, które robią to i owo, wujka, który wie wszystko, wszystkich naszych kumpli i oczywiście najlepsze źródło rozrywki. Pamiętaj! W internecie nic nie zaginie! W szczególności twoje słit focie. Przerwy w dostawie od internetu nazywa się burzą lub wywiadówką w szkole. Starsi oraz osoby ze szlabanem korzystają z wersji demonstracyjnych internetu w postaci Telegazety lub encyklopedii Świat Wiedzy.
  • Internet is a system for easy and effective communication and search. In 1997, Dr. Daniel Jackson used the Internet on a computer in the Stargate Operations room to do some more research on Australopithecus. (SG1: "The Broca Divide")
  • right|300px Das Internet ist ein Netz das von einer riesigen Spinne gewoben wurde und die ganze Welt umspannt!
  • To see what broadband is available where see Sam knows. For example Richmond is shown here
  • A series of tubes.
  • I GTA IV finns det ett fiktivt Internet med ett antal olika webbsidor. Ett axplock av dem: * whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com - en fusksida där spelets olika unika hopp, fusk, "flying rats" mm. finns * eyefind.info - en sida där spelaren ibland får mail om olika händelser under spelets gång * vipluxuryringtones.com - en sida där spelaren kan ladda ner t.ex ringsignaler till sin telefon i spelet * love-meet.net - en datingsida Platser där man kan använda nätet: * TW@-caféer * Datorerna i lobbyn på de flesta sjukhus * Vaktens dator i lobbyn vid Playboy X's kungsvåning
  • Das Internet ist ein System von Computernetzwerken, die miteinander verbunden sind, meistens benutzt in der Muggelwelt. Obwohl es eine Erfindung der Muggel ist, gibt es Hexen und Zauberer, die das Internet benutzen, allerdings eher aus "etwas herablassender" Neugier oder um etwas für Muggelkunde zu recherchieren. Die Familie Dursley hatte in den 1990er Jahren einen Internetanschluss. Harry Potter hat ihn nie benutzt, allerdings hätte Dudley ihn geschlagen, wenn er nur in die Nähe des Computers gekommen wäre.
  • Internet is another word for a Monkey.
  • Lisa-Sophie Stoklasek, Michele Pozarek
  • Internet - globalna sieć informacyjna, poprzednik polnetu, a później dodatek do niego. Internet, został decyzją Naczelnika Państwa zlikwidowany w dniu 17 listopada 2055 roku. Stanowił on wówczas 0,1% zawartości polnetu. Pojawiały się głosy, że większość ruchu generowali w nim informatycy z Jednostek Dywersji Elektronicznej i Wydziału Kontroli Przepływu Informacji On-Line Ministerstwa Informacji. Zostało to częściowo potwierdzone, gdyż odłączenie internetu najbardziej dotknęło, wciąż z niego korzystających, czterech mieszkańców USA.
  • Das Internet ist ein Ort, an dem Menschen wichtige und essentielle Informationen austauschen, die man sonst über einen langen Zeitraum hätte zusammensuchen muss. Zum Beispiel kann man sich bei Twitter über die Essgewohnheiten entfernter Bekannter informieren, bei Facebook über den eigenen Zustand während der letzten Party und bei YouTube das passende Video dazu, um nur ein paar Kleinigkeiten zu nennen. Das Wissen, das man durch das Internet erhält, kann man am besten so charakterisieren: man erfährt dort das, was man eigentlich niemals wissen wollte, aber trotzdem danach fragen würde.
  • Not a big truck. It's a series of tubes.
  • There are numerous definitions for the "Internet":
  • You are on the internet right at this very moment!
  • Categoría:Descripciones de comunidades[[Categoría:Letra ]] Categoría:Estilo de vida
  • Internet – sieć komputerowa z siedzibą w Warszawie, przeznaczona dla ludzi na całym świecie. Wynaleziona przez złe Siły Zbrojne USA aby siać zagładę na świecie i szkolić się w taktyce przez CS. Niektóre źródła podają, że obecnie ilość osób korzystających z Internetu w Polsce jest wyższa niż liczba jej mieszkańców. Internet transportuje się w wiaderkach.
  • Internet to wielka, światowa sieć komputerowa, powstała przez połączenie tysięcy mniejszych sieci, na wszystkich kontynentach. Każdy komputer podłączony do tej sieci ma swój własny adres IP dzięki czemu, może być łatwo odnaleziony przez inne komputery. Każdy z tych komputerów może być serwerem, lub klientem, to znaczy może wysyłać, albo odbierać informacje w postaci tekstu, obrazu i dźwięku. Strona internetowa zapisana na serwerze, albo utworzona na gorąco z informacji w bazach danych, przesyłana jest do przeglądarki internetowej, takiej jak Internet Exlplorer, Firefox, Konqueror, Opera, czy Safari, znajdującej się w komputerze odbiorcy.
  • The internet has become as important as television was in the past, however, with an unlimited number of channels or pages.
  • See also * Computer Shops * TSUKUBA WIKI PROJECT ( pages) home || empty pages || short pages || contact us
  • Internet är ett system för enkel och effektiv kommunikation och sökning. Under 1997 använde Doktor Daniel Jackson Internet i Stargate Operation rum för göra lite mer forskning om Australopithecus. (SG1: "The Broca Divide") kategori:Datorprogram kategori:Tau'ri teknologi
  • No puedes bajar ni ver más cosas aparte de la página de inicio de el sitio de Akademi High School.
  • The Internet is one of the greatest technological innovations of the human race. Whether that is a good thing or not is a matter of personal opinion. The good things humans do with the internet is help research for information, earn money, yadayada. There are also many other things humans do with the internet, and many, many, of them are a complete waste of time.
  • The Internet is a network of millions of computers, you can connect with people halfway across the globe using it, it can stretch all the way to the deepest corners of the jungle with satellite internet.
  • Internet (sometimes referred to in-game as "The Internet") is a technology, wonder, and World Project in the Civilization and Call to Power games.
  • Termenul internet provine din împreunarea artificială și parțială a două cuvinte englezești: interconnected = interconectat și network = rețea.
  • Internet - sieć komputerowa powstała w 1960 roku w wojsku amerykańskim. Początkowo miała nazwę ARPAnet, a w 1980 roku stała sie urządzeniem dla wszystkich. Internet jest przeglądany przez przeglądarki internetowe.
  • Internet' – ogólnoświatowa sieć komputerowa, określana również jako sieć sieci[1]. W sensie logicznym, Internet to przestrzeń adresowa zrealizowana przy wykorzystaniu protokołu komunikacyjnego IP, działająca w oparciu o specjalistyczny sprzęt sieciowy oraz istniejącą już infrastrukturę telekomunikacyjną.
  • The Internet was founded in 1649 when the early American settlers got bored. They built the first wire and it sent this one message: "8===D" – The first message sent on the Internet Google (at the time was a train engine company) was interested in all the shit being posted across the Internet. They invented the search engine so you could sift through the shit and find gems (like the YTP Wiki).
  • El internet es una red mundial de computadoras interconectadas capaz de ofrecer una gran cantidad de información. Sin embargo, para acceder a eta información, primero es necesario contratar un acceso a través de un proveedor de internet. Estas organizaciones disponen de grandes servidores conectados de forma permanente a la red, así como de sistemas de acceso remoto que permiten a los usuarios suscritos a esta organización conectarse a internet utilizando dicho acceso. Categoría:Internet
  • ~ ¡Ojo! Est' artícul és sobre l'adjettiu diminutiu; si buscãeu el sûstantiu, aneu a Interxeu ~ «Quan jo era xicotet volien posar-me internet en un col·lege de flares,perô al remat això no va prosperar...»-Sant Joan Fuster Un internet és un intern xicotet.
  • The Internet censorship page is currently focused on the Facebook ban of May 2010. See the following: * 2011 Lahore High Court Petition to Ban Facebook Parmanently * The Facebook ban * Blog Crackdown (from a while ago) * Internet Filter Status * SciDev's South Asia Gateway: &rgwid=6&CFID=1709871&CFTOKEN=28108408 <a href="http://www.scidev.net/gateways/index.cfm?fuseaction=regionalgatewayitem&rgwid=6&CFID=1709871&CFTOKEN=28108408">http://www.scidev.net/gateways/index.cfm?fuseaction=regionalgatewayitem&rgwid=6&CFID=1709871&CFTOKEN=28108408</a> * FOSS movement
  • Il y a des acteurs nationaux, peu mais doté de service client et marketing très puissants : * AT&T * Verizon * Comcast D'autres sont plus locaux * Cox * Time Warner Cable * Google Fiber / Webpass * ... Certains sites comme BroadbandNow proposent des moteurs de recherche à partir de votre code postal
  • Das Internet ist ein globales Kommunikations- und Computernetzwerk auf der Erde. Das Internet wird zusammen mit Laptops und Strichcodelesern im 20. Jahrhundert von Chronowerx unter der Leitung von Henry Starling entwickelt, wobei die Informationen zu dieser Technologie aus dem abgestürzten Zeitschiff Aeon stammen. (VOY: ) Im 21. Jahrhundert dient es als primäre Quelle von Nachrichten. Der Bell-Aufstand wird von einem Sender von Christopher Brynner live im Internet übertragen, was die öffentliche Meinung zu den Schutzzonen ändert. (DS9: )
  • thumb|300px|Internet en Digimon Adventure.Internet (インターネット, Intānetto), también conocida como la Red de Computadoras (コンピュータネットワーク, Konpyūta Nettowāku; コンピュータのネットワーク, Konpyūta no Nettowāku), la Red (ネットワーク, Nettowāku; ネット, Netto), el Área de la Red (ネットエリア, Netto Eria), o el Espacio de la Red (ネット空間, Netto Kūkan) es la manifestación de la Red Informática Mundial a través de la cual el Mundo Real transmite infinitas cantidades de información. Fue en la Red donde los Digimon fueron descubiertos por primera vez en 1997, y el Mundo Digital, un pseudo-ciberespacio con características similares a esas del Mundo Real, fue creado en la Red, y es gobernado desde ahí por la misteriosa computadora central, llamada Yggdrasill.
  • The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), the infrastructure to support email, and peer-to-peer networks for file sharing and telephony.
  • The Internet, or simply the Net, is the publicly accessible worldwide system of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using a standardized Internet Protocol (IP) and many other protocols. It is made up of thousands of smaller commercial, academic, domestic and government networks. It carries various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, and the interlinked web pages and other documents of the World Wide Web.
  • The Internet means different things to different people.
  • Come tutti i ritrovati tecnologici, del resto, Internet è finito per diventare la solita perdita di tempo: ti permette di fare tutto, tranne quello che devi.
  • Das Internet (wörtlich etwa "Zwischennetz" oder "Verbundnetz", vom engl.: interconnected: "miteinander verbinden" und networks: "Netzwerke") ist ein elektronischer Verbund von Rechnernetzwerken. Das Ziel dieser Recherchenetzwerken ist Verbindungen zwischen einzelnen Computern herzustellen und so Daten auszutauschen. Auch noch wird "Internet" in der Umgangsprache häufig synonym zum World Wide Web verwendet (WWW), das jedoch nur einer von vielen Diensten des Internets ist.
  • The Internet was invented by Al Gore in the year 1947. But since Al Gore forgot about it, it was not rediscovered until 60 years later: 2007.
  • The Internet is the world wide system of interconnected mainframe, personal, and wireless computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite to link billions of devices worldwide.
  • The Internet was a global network of computers that was a key part of communication in the 20th and 21st centuries. YouPorn and TMZ were both websites that coul be accessed via the internet. When Marvin was talking to Zan and Jayna at the Downtown Video Store, he told them that he and Wendy's band had just got signed on to a major label. He then tells them to check out their website. In a parallel universe, Wonder Woman's sex tape was leaked onto the internet. The link was tits-tits-tits.com. Superman later uploaded a video to the internet, to TMZ, of himself masturbating to Wonder Woman's video.
  • Autistic individuals sometimes spend very large amounts of time in front of computers or on the Internet. There are advantages and drawbacks to this.
  • The Internet (alternatively known as Internets, intertubes, intersphere, or a series of tubes) is a huge, strange & diverse place, full of businesses, groups, services, products, games & much, much, more. The Internet first began, in the 60's, for the American's computers to be better. And look at what it is today. Today, you can log on, to your online banking, make up a Meme, check out the latest Anonymous protest, then look at 4chan/h/.
  • The Internet is one of the greatest technological innovations of the human race. Whether that is a good thing or not is a matter of personal opinion. The good things humans do with the internet is help research for information, earn money, yadayada. There are also many other things humans do with the internet, and many, many, of them are quite stupid and are a waste of time. Just be careful what you put on it, as you may get attacked by a child molester...or the ultimate bad cop. Jolt is addicted to the internet, along with music and TV. Archaic name: Information Superhighway (1990s)
  • The Internet, later known as Streaming is the ultimate interconnected computer network that links together countless computers from around the world and allows for the exchange of near limitless data. However the Internet/Streaming is also a sentient and evil being who seeks to destroy all who oppose it, as well as any obsolete formats. He first appeared as his original Internet form in the episode "Format Wars II", and re-appeared as his current Streaming form in Meet the Seer onwards until the finale.
  • The Internet and the World Wide Web are not one and the same. The Internet is a collection of interconnected computer networks, linked by copper wires, fiber-optic cables, wireless connections, etc. In contrast, the Web is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs. The World Wide Web is one of the services accessible via the Internet, along with various others including e-mail, file sharing, online gaming and others described below.
  • Internet es un personaje que apareció por primera vez en el episodio La Guerra de los Formatos II.
  • The Internet is a Timeline Event that can occur in 1990. When the event happens, the respect of the intellectuals resets to its original value as they reassess the level of freedom in Tropico.
  • Internet is an upcoming action/adventure series airing on the Fanon Weekends block on CN/Hub/Nicktoons. It will air October 18, 2012. The show is rated TV-PG-V.
  • Some important keywords for the future of internet as of the year 2009: The metaweb, AI Engine, AI Matrix, e-society, Wikipedia 3.0, Inference Engine, Web 3.0, mass psychology, cult psychology, Wikipedia+AI, P2P Semantic Web Inference Engine, Intelligent Findability, Semantic Blog, Info Agent, P2P AI, Web 3.0 concepts, Semantic MediaWiki, P2P 3.0, Web 3.0 definition, oWL, Ambient Findability, P2P, SemanticWeb, Culture Wars, Startup, web standards, society, Google, innovation, Trends, Meaning, Semantic Web, Prediction markets, National Security Agency, The Matrix, ontology, findability, RDF, internet governance, Artificial Intelligence, AI.
  • Internet is a wonderful place where all internet creatures live. Creatures like Reddit, Internet Memes, Trolls, etc. It was invented by Al Gore and is currently ruled by PewDiePie. It is mainly composed by gases, helium, memes, and other stuff that is found in the internet including Skype or Google. It is 760,000,000,000 light years away from Earth. Oh, and you might be thinking that this picture is fake. Well, it is real. Using the most sophisticated telescope created by highly trained monkeys, you can see it even if it is so far far far away.
  • The all important Internet. It is known by many names, including Life Giver and That Which Only Matters, or TWOM. It is where we all live. Occasionally, there are those that are kidnapped from their home of the internet by the beast, Life. Some never return. Please observe a moment of silence for those that have been lost.
  • The Internet is a global network computers all around the world, including the servers which store the documents constituting the . * Internet
  • Een internet is een netwerk van computernetwerken. Een computernetwerk is over het algemeen alleen beschikbaar binnen een organisatie of gebouw, een beperking die opgeheven wordt door een internet. Om een internet goed te laten werken is het nodig om afspraken te maken over protocollen. Een bijna universeel gebruikt protocol is het zogenaamde Internetprotocol (IP). Computers in verschillende computernetwerken kunnen dankzij die afspraken met elkaar communiceren.
  • Internet: Alle Einzelschritte des Ideenprozesses können bei entsprechender Software-Ausstattung des Unternehmens von dazu berechtigten Mitarbeitern auch z.B. von unterwegs oder von einem Hausarbeitsplatz über das Internet abgearbeitet werden: Um Investitionen für eigene Datenbanken und Softwareprogramme zu vermeiden und eigene IT-Ressourcen zu schonen, ist es den Unternehmen möglich, ihren gesamten Ideenprozess über das Internet mittels ASP-Lösungen DV-technisch outzusourcen.
  • Wer hinter dem Internet ein Indernetz vermutet liegt falsch. Indien ist zwar das Land der IT-Aliens, aber in Wahrheit ist das Internet getürkt und am anderen Ende der Leitung sitzt immer Napoléon auf St. Helena im Atlantik, abgekürzt "NSA", und rächt sich für Waterloo per Cyber-War, was übersetzt Zypernkrieg bedeutet und sich komischerweise für virtuellen, d.h. eingebildeten Krieg eingebürgert hat. Und da nach sowas eine gewisse Süchtigkeit verbreitet ist, tummeln sich Kreti und Pleti im Internet, um an vorderster Front mit dabei zu sein. Der preußische Militarismus war dagegen vergleichsweise ein Kaffeekränzchen.
  • Und nicht zuletzt: Internetbenutzung verursacht hohen Energieverbrauch, wegen allen angeschlossenen Servern und ständig laufenden Computern. Also möglichst gezielt surfen.
  • (Oliver se esta duchando y Kevin apurado abre la puerta de la ducha) Oliver grita:HAY QUE TE PASA INVECIL HIJO DE LA............... (Kevin toma una foto) Oliver dice:Y AHORA QUE BABOSADA HACES????? (Kevin corre y Oliver lo persigue) Oliver dice:Y que demonios aras con la foto Kevin dice:La subire a internet Oliver grita:¿¿¿QUE??? (Kevin corre asta su casa y Oliver lo persigue pero Kevin la lobra subir a Mercadolibre.com) Oliver dice:Eres un idiota invecil..... Kevin dice:Tan solo ve las ofertas (Oliver ve el dinero que le darian a Kevin) Oliver dice:Wow 5000,000$ y la acabas de subir Kevin dice:Si alparecer a todos les encantan las fotos de famosos desnudos Oliver dice:Bien pero me das el 80% de las ganancias Kevin dice:Por que? Oliver dice:Me fotografiaste desnudo Kevin dice:Ok (Suena el
  • In the original timeline, the internet was accessible on computers in public libraries. Vast information was collected on collaborative websites such as Wikipedia. In the timeline that was created after Marty McFly burned the Grays Sports Almanac in 1955, the internet was used to deliver digital versions of newspapers. Emmett Brown had a transparent tablet computer that he used to view the digital version of the Hill Valley Telegraph. Teenagers enjoyed posting selfies on social networks.
  • Internet es un conjunto descentralizado de redes de comunicación interconectadas, que utilizan la familia de protocolos TCP/IP, garantizando que las redes físicas heterogéneas que la componen funcionen como una red lógica única, de alcance mundial. Sus orígenes se remontan a 1969, cuando se estableció la primera conexión de computadoras, conocida como ARPANET, entre tres universidades en California y una en Utah, Estados Unidos. El género de la palabra Internet es ambiguo, según el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española. [ 3 ]
  • L'internet est un vortex spatiotemporel qui s'est ouvert dans les années 80 au cœur de la Terre, sous l'impulsion de Bill Gates et Dark Vador. Depuis, des arnaqueurs (aussi connus sous le nom de Fournisseurs d'Accès à l'Internet) essayent, avec plus ou moins de succès, de permettre à n'importe qui (même ta mère) de se "connecter" à l'internet. Se connecter, c'est l'action de brancher son ordinateur et de débrancher son cerveau.
  • The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope that are linked by a broad array of electronic and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast array of information resources and services, most notably the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail.
  • Das Internet ist ein riesiges Informationsgebilde, welches Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts zum Rückgrat der menschlichen Zivilisation auf der Erde wird. Dienste wie Facebook und Twitter, sowie diverse Suchmaschinen, sind Teil des Internets. Mickey Smith sucht im Internet mehrmals nach Informationen über den Doctor und findet so unteranderem Fotos und die Adresse eines "Spezialisten". (Rose u.a.)
  • The Internet is a worldwide collection of computer networks, cooperating with each other to exchange data using a common software standard. Through telephone wires and satellite links, Internet users can share information in a variety of forms. The size, scope and design of the Internet allows users to:
  • The internet (otherwise known as t'internet) was first used as a fishing net. It was a very clever fishing net. But the government wanted that fishing net. So they took it. The government promptly took the internet and made it into a communication device. It didn't work very well, seeing as it was made to be a fishing net. A very clever fishing net. Then smart people got a hold...ahold...is there a space there?...anyway, they got a hold on the internet and made it into a very clever communication device. It was released to the public a million bajillion dog years later.
  • The internet is also just one of the many media outlets run almost exclusively by big corporations, and of course their buddies that give them tax breaks. Liberals fight a difficult battle simply trying to express their opinion anywhere online. However, some liberal sites, mostly wikis, are a beacon of hope that someday Mr. Stevens and his generation will be replaced by the liberal-type regulation of the Internet, namely Liberapedia, RationalWiki, and the like.
  • The Internet is a world-wide network of computers and computer-related things which enables almost instantaneous information transfer and communication between people who live far apart. Most PPC activity takes place on the Internet (other than Gatherings). If you are reading this wiki, then you probably already know about the Internet, hence the shortness of this article.
  • miniatur|Der Startbildschirm im tw@ Das Internet ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil von Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned, Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, Grand Theft Auto V und Grand Theft Auto Online. Von jedem Computer (oder Handy in GTA V und GTA Online) aus, den man in Liberty City und San Andreas findet, kann man ins World Wide Web (kurz WWW) gelangen. Die Datenautobahn kann wichtig für die Handlung sein, aber auch für andere Aktivitäten, zum Beispiel auf der Website whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com, auf der man die Karten von Monsterstunts, Zufallscharaktere, Stevies Autos, Tauben oder Waffen findet. Der Browser im Spiel erinnert stark an Safari von Apple.
  • Internet je nadnárodný útvar. Zrejme vzniká ako mocenský nástroj pod vedením známeho megalomana a mamonára Billa Gatesa a v spoločnosti ďalších počítačových a softvérových gigantov (Cukorberg, Chris DeWolfe, Lárry Brij, či Sergej Páge...), či ich šedých eminencií.
  • The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail.
  • The Internet (or 'net) was the term for the early global computer and communications network on Earth in the 20th and 21st centuries. Its development, along with other advanced technology such as laptops and barcode readers, was due to the work of Chronowerx Industries and Henry Starling. (VOY: "Future's End, Part II") By the 2020s, the Interface became the primary public means of accessing the net. A number of channels, such as Channel 90, posted information through the Net. To access the net, a person had to log on with a specific access number.
  • Přesto se nás snaží zachránit spousta poskytovatelů internetu. Například Fofrnet, rychlost připojení nestačila ani na aktualizace Windows, zato se daly zobrazit aspoň Novinky, pak to koupila společnost Internethome, kde už nehrozí ze strany internetu vůbec nic, protože se v nejlepším případě zobrazí přihlašovací stránka a nahlásí že heslo nebo jméno je špatné a tak podobně, výhodou je pouze sledování reklam jak to je vynikající. Na druhé straně je zase vynikající technická podpora která vám poradí ať vyčkáte, že problém je v řešení, po několika měsících dojde většině klientů trpělivost, a buď Internet pověsí na hřebík, nebo zkusí jiného providera, což ovšem nemusí být žádná výhra. Přesto má svou stálou klientelu která se skládá ze strašpytlů, kteří si myslí že je napadne hacker, tady to sk
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