| - Sean Dahlberg, known as Ashen Temper to the online gaming community, is a game developer, specializing in Game System Design and Community Management. He is best known for his involvement in the ground-breaking MMORPG Shadowbane: The Chaotic Chronicle. He currently works for Stray Bullet Games, LLC. (formerly known as Wolfpack Studios) on their flagship MMORPG title Shadowbane (as well as another title still in development). Ashen Temper is widely respecting amongst the online gaming community for his down to earth demeanor and genuine appreciation for a game's playerbase. Most Community Managers end up finding themselves at odds with their community. Ashen Temper, however, kept to his strong belief that, "Without the player, there is no game." The Shadowbane community soon realized Ashen Temper was a diamond in the rough when it came to Community Managers. He would always strive to keep the community informed, whether the information was pleasing or discouraging. Players soon realized that their feedback, concerns, and complaints were not falling upon deaf ears. Ashen Temper was evidently putting the players' opinions first, and this created a strong and productive community. As the sea of MMORPGs continues to grow, people like Ashen Temper become few and far between. Many Shadowbane players attribute the success of the unique MMORPG to the efforts and dedication of Ashen Temper, and his complete understanding of what makes an MMORPG prosperous; the players and their community. Prior to entering the Game Industry, Sean Dahlberg served 6 years in the United States Marine Corps, achieving the rank of Seargent. His gung ho ideals in the realm of online gaming Community Management can strongly be attributed to his time in the Marines. Sean Dahlberg currently resides in Texas, with his daughter. Regardless of the paths he takes in the future, Ashen Temper will always have the genuine appreciation of his fellow Shadowbaners and continue to live in infamy amongst the MMORPG online community for all his dedication and service over the years. "Play to Crush!"