This quest series covers levels 60-67 in Unfruchtbarer Himmel.
* Players who finish with this quest series should check out the Knochenschlamm Questreihe. 1.
* Words of a Feather (60) - language quest 2.
* Lore and Legend: Aviak (60) 1.
* Emergency Floozlegigs (62) 2.
* Spare Change? (63) 3.
* Water Water Everywhere (64) 4.
* A Feather for Your Thoughts (64) 1.
* Assisting the Hooluk (63) 2.
* Serving the Land (64) 3.
* Chirok Starwhisper (65) 4.
* Harun Clearsky of the Hooluk High Guard (65) 5.
* To Discord Isle (66) 6.
* Disturbing Blackwind (66) 7.
* Ahnha Leeshadow (67) 8.
* The Inhabitants of Cloudmist Isle (67) 9.
* Taer Felwind (67) 10.
* Necessary Sub-Components (67) 11.
* Reunion (68) 1
This quest series covers levels 60-67 in Unfruchtbarer Himmel.
* Players who finish with this quest series should check out the Knochenschlamm Questreihe. 1.
* Words of a Feather (60) - language quest 2.
* Lore and Legend: Aviak (60) 1.
* Emergency Floozlegigs (62) 2.
* Spare Change? (63) 3.
* Water Water Everywhere (64) 4.
* A Feather for Your Thoughts (64) 1.
* Assisting the Hooluk (63) 2.
* Serving the Land (64) 3.
* Chirok Starwhisper (65) 4.
* Harun Clearsky of the Hooluk High Guard (65) 5.
* To Discord Isle (66) 6.
* Disturbing Blackwind (66) 7.
* Ahnha Leeshadow (67) 8.
* The Inhabitants of Cloudmist Isle (67) 9.
* Taer Felwind (67) 10.
* Necessary Sub-Components (67) 11.
* Reunion (68) 12.
* A Devious Plan (68) 13.
* Culture of the Aviaks (70) 14.
* Might of the Aviaks (70)