As Abydan dissidents continue to impact the progress of Earth's mining operation, Hathor takes Ra's eye to investigate -- and restore order -- his last known location...
Stargate: Rebellion är den andra serien i Stargate: Rebellion trilogy som ställs in efter Stargate filmen, men i en annan universum än Stargate SG-1.
As Abydan dissidents continue to impact the progress of Earth's mining operation, Hathor takes Ra's eye to investigate -- and restore order -- his last known location...
Stargate: Rebellion är den andra serien i Stargate: Rebellion trilogy som ställs in efter Stargate filmen, men i en annan universum än Stargate SG-1.
As Abydan dissidents continue to impact the progress of Earth's mining operation, Hathor takes Ra's eye to investigate -- and restore order -- his last known location...