| - Dana is serious, intellectual, and level-headed. She and Jane gathers the team together from all over Mariner Bay, and is a valuable asset to the team as one of the Rangers. She and Jane are later reconciled with their long-lost brother, Ryan, who joins them as the Titanium Ranger.
- Dana ist die Tochter von Captain Mitchell dem Leiter der Aquabasis. Nachdem die Dämonen aus der Grabkammer entkommen sind, wählt Mitchell sie zum fünften Ranger, dem Pinken. Dana hat noch einen ältern Bruder, Ryan, der bei einem Autounfall ums Leben gekommen ist. Wie sich herausstellt lebt Ryan noch, da er von einem Dämon gerettet wurde. Kategorie:Ranger Kategorie:Pinke Ranger Kategorie:Charaktere
- According to a news story titled 3 injured when mom re-hydrates pizza slices on the front page of the October 22, 2015 issue of USA Today, Detective Mitchell said that the reason the hydrator owned by Ruby Lee Dontanovich exploded was because the unit was in an inappropriate location and the door was apparently forced shut to override the safety mechanism, going on to say that had Dontanovich's son "been standing a foot closer to the hydrator, he would have been impaled by the corner of the flying hydrator door, with possibly fatal results".
- Dana Mitchell jest Różowym Lightspeed Rangersem (ang. Pink Lightspeed Ranger) oraz jedną z głównych postaci serialu Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue. Jest córką Kapitana Mitchella oraz młodszą siostrą Ryana - Tytanowego Rangersa.
- Dana Mitchell is the daughter of Captain Mitchell and the younger sister of Ryan Mitchell. She is the Pink Lightspeed Rescue Ranger, as well as a paramedic. She is a member of the Lightspeed Rangers. She is also referred to as Pink Lightspeed Rescue Ranger or Lightspeed Rescue Pink Ranger, though these are more in reference to the show than proper labels.
- She is later reconciled with her long-lost brother, Ryan, who joins them as the Titanium Ranger. During the series, she develops feelings for Carter Grayson, the Red Ranger, but it's unknown if she has expressed them yet, the feelings seems to be mutual. An example is in the episode The Last Ranger, when the Rangers, save Dana, lose their memories, Carter sees Dana get hurt and it restores his memories.