| - After 5 years of living on the streets, Brent makes plans to buy a boat and smuggle himself and Abigail across the border from Seattle to Canada. Before their last job in Seattle, Brent and Abigail start loading up their boat, but are interrupted by the police. Abigail decides to use her powers to distract the cops away from Brent since they only had one job left before leaving Seattle. After Abigail avoids the cops, she tells Brent to give her the information about the last job so she could do it and leave Seattle. Brent instructs her to go to an apartment that was owned by the Akurans to steal a red duffle bag that contained a lot of money. After Abigail arrives and kills the Akurans, she finds the red duffle bag with a black briefcase next to it, which turns out to be a bomb that explodes, knocking Abigail out of the apartment and destroying the money. After Abigail tells Brent about what happens, he tells her to come back to the boat to leave Seattle. Before Abigail can reach the boat, Brent is kidnapped by the Akurans and the boat is destroyed. Shane and Abigal, along with Shane's growing organization go hard at work waging war with the Akurans in an attempt to find Brent. The Akurans are finally kicked out of the first section of Seattle, and Shane's Thugs fill the void.