| - Windows Chicago Build 34 is one of the earliest confirmed builds of Windows 95. It is mentioned in file OLDSETUP.INF from later Chicago builds (e.g. 58s). ; Nagaras MergeReg.exe as the shell system.ini, Boot, "shell=" ,"shell=mergereg.exe" ; ; Remove these as of build 34. Were reverting back to Win 3.1 Comm support. ; system.ini, 386Enh, "device=?Pcommdrvr.386" system.ini, 386Enh, "device=?Pw3_prtcl.386" system.ini, 386Enh, "device=?Pxon_xoff.386" system.ini, 386Enh, "device=?Pcts_rts.386" system.ini, 386Enh, "network=vbrowse.386" system.ini, 386Enh,"cachepages=" system.ini, 386Enh,"device=regvxd.386" system.ini, Boot,,"scrnsave.exe=stressme.scr"
| - Windows Chicago Build 34 is one of the earliest confirmed builds of Windows 95. It is mentioned in file OLDSETUP.INF from later Chicago builds (e.g. 58s). ; Nagaras MergeReg.exe as the shell system.ini, Boot, "shell=" ,"shell=mergereg.exe" ; ; Remove these as of build 34. Were reverting back to Win 3.1 Comm support. ; system.ini, 386Enh, "device=?Pcommdrvr.386" system.ini, 386Enh, "device=?Pw3_prtcl.386" system.ini, 386Enh, "device=?Pxon_xoff.386" system.ini, 386Enh, "device=?Pcts_rts.386" system.ini, 386Enh, "network=vbrowse.386" system.ini, 386Enh,"cachepages=" system.ini, 386Enh,"device=regvxd.386" system.ini, Boot,,"scrnsave.exe=stressme.scr" The file also contains the following line: ;!:README.EF removed for M32 external release. MC. OLDSETUP.INF is a remnant of previous Chicago builds, together with SETUP31.VER, SETUP31.EXE, SETUP31.INF and OLDSETUP.BAT. It gives a pretty good insight into the installation process of pre-58s builds. These files indicate that early Chicago setup was merely a rebranded Windows 3.1x setup and did not include major changes or new features. The new setup, as seen in build 58s, was likely introduced as part of the M4 stage. Early leaked builds also still include the old Windows 3.1x-like bootscreen, SYSLOGO.RLE, which is also a leftover from previous builds and may have been used in build 34.