At 87 magic, the onyx necklace can be enchanted into a berserker necklace by members.
Onyx necklace on onyxista ja kullasta valmistettu kaulakoru. Onyx necklacen valmistamiseen tarvitsee Gold barin, Necklace Mouldin ja onyxin ja 82 tason Craftingin. Sen voi lumota, kun on 87 Magic. Kun sen lumoaa, siitä tulee Berserker necklace. 1.
Grum's Gold Exchange in Port Sarim doesn't buy or sell Onyx rings, necklaces, or amulets. The onyx necklace can be enchanted into a berserker necklace by members with the Lvl-6 Enchant spell . This requires level 87 Magic, one cosmic rune, twenty earth runes and 20 fire runes.