| - Hoop Snakes are monsters that live in the Tar Swamp area of Fossil Island. They can be stunned using a weapon's crush option (or being unarmed), allowing the player to pick up the stunned hoop snake. From the inventory, snakes can be rolled in a direction, mainly used for stunning tar monsters.
- Hoop snakes can be rolled in any direction, primarily to stun tar monsters. File:Rolling hoop snake.gif
- Australia is home to millions of species capable of eradicating the human race (and lots of other races) from the face of this planet and the planet from which our alien ancestors came. Perhaps the most dangerous of all (with the obvious exception of the Drop Bear) is the Hoop Snake. However, ironically, the snake, while it exists in Australia, is not Australian. Although many Australians claim otherwise, it is important to bear in mind that Australians are all big fat liars.
- The Hoop Snake is so named due to its very unique method of locomotion. They catch their tail in their mouths, forming a large circle, and roll rapidly downhill, either to escape nearby predators, or to attack possible predators at the bottom of the hill, hoping to injure them so they may escape in the confusion. The snake fields mostly on small mammals, swallowing their prey whole, although they are a venomous snake.
- The Hoop Snake is so named due to its very unique method of locomotion. They catch their tail in their mouths, forming a large circle, and roll rapidly downhill. This allows them to either to escape nearby predators or to attack possible predators at the bottom of the hill, hoping to cause injury so they may escape in the confusion. The snake feeds mostly on small mammals, swallowing their prey whole, although they are a venomous snake.
- The Hoop Snake has been described as resembling various different types of snake, but the one feature common to all types remains the same: while the Hoop Snake can crawl along like a regular snake, when hunting, it grasps its tail in its own mouth and rolls like a wheel to increase its speed. In this form, the Hoop Snake greatly resembles the Ouroboros from Ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology. The Hoop Snake is referenced in a 1784 letter published in the Tour in the U.S.A., reprinted below.