| - At the lair of the slaver Sacker, the sentient sake dude, Superboy pieces together how he arrived in the Wild Lands. He had been flying over the Pacific when Dr. Canus, using one of the ancient weapons of the island, accidentally shot him down. He had been captured by Sacker and given a special elixir to repress his memories and powers. Humans had apparently once ruled the island, long before. Sacker remembers that time and claims that all humans are inherently violent and cruel and that he vowed such a time would never return to the Wild Lands. When Prince Tuftan realizes that the other humans would be intelligent once deprived of the elixir, Tuftan orders their immediate release. Nosferata summons a legion of her bat warriors to coerce Sacker into agreeing. The slaver sets the humans free, but warns Tuftan of Nosferata's treachery and of what is coming.
Once the other humans are revived, they all talk about leaving. SB wonders if they're in the far future or some alternate dimension, but a woman named Lee doubts both theories. Lady Tawna warns that the island is surrounded by an impassible reef, but SB says that won't be a problem. Prince Tuftan and his company insists on going along and they all board a ship. As they prepare to shove off, Nosferata approaches the court warlock, Ratsputin, and says that Caesar must be dealt with. Superboy tethers himself to the ship and manages to fly it over the reef. After that, they are sailing for a few days before finally arriving at Hawaii. Superboy lands the ship on the beach and pulls a little stunt to sway the crowd into accepting the Furries. Much to everyone's delight, only a couple of months have passed.
Half a world away, Guardian and Dubbilex are ordered to go to Hawaii and contain the situation -- they are given a disk titled "Project Moreau." Back in the Wild Lands, Nosferata had Superboy followed and simultaneously had Ratsputin assassinate Caesar.
And Superboy returns to The Compound to find it empty and himself alone.