Ben Kenobi is the alias used by an older Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars, and the master of Anakin Skywalker, during his time in exile on Tatooine. In A New Hope Ben Kenobi is an elderly hermit living on the desert planet of Tatooine, where he has been watching the son of his former student, a boy named Luke Skywalker, who by chance encounters Kenobi after a Tusken Raider attack. Kenobi and Skywalker depart on a journey that eventually leads to Kenobi's death at the hands of his former student, now known as Darth Vader. In The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi Ben Kenobi oversees Luke's Jedi training as a Force ghost, together with Grand Master Yoda.