| - When Za-Turaga Gaeta came to power in 350 BRS, he immediately voted new laws concerning the island's security, among them the Early Warning-edict implying that every citizen of Aho Nui, regardless of species, should wear a device known as Identity Regulator. The edict took place without greater unrest, and by 342 BRS, virtually every Aho Nui citizen was wearing such a device. Very few individuals criticized the IR in public, and even fewer did not wear any.
| - When Za-Turaga Gaeta came to power in 350 BRS, he immediately voted new laws concerning the island's security, among them the Early Warning-edict implying that every citizen of Aho Nui, regardless of species, should wear a device known as Identity Regulator. The edict took place without greater unrest, and by 342 BRS, virtually every Aho Nui citizen was wearing such a device. Very few individuals criticized the IR in public, and even fewer did not wear any. While the IR offered some enjoyable functions to its direct wearer, like the possibility of audio-communicating with faraway users, its main purpose remained concealed from the public eye. Its main purpose was in fact the total surveillance of the entire Aho Nui population. Every single audio communication between the users was monitored, and built-in locating devices informed about every user's current location. After two months of wearing, the IR expired, and the wearer had to pick up a new one at his own expense. To make sure every citizen was in possession of an IR, Vahki and ANPF patrols constantly controlled the citizens for their IR, and arrested those who did not wear one or wore an expired one.