| - Item # SCP-2789 object class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2789 is contained in a 10x10x10 meter steel reinforced lined with several layers of silver holding cell in foundation site REDACTED. Every night except for a new moon, SCP-2789 is to be given heavy sedation in the full moon, and a waxing or waning crescent to be given light sedation, ETC. In the event of a containment breach, foundation personnel will be equipped with tranquilizer darts completely composed of silver. SCP-2789 is to be muzzled when anomalous properties occur and the audio in the cameras is permanently disabled, and no personnel, of any level of authority, may approve otherwise. Anyone who has heard SCP-2789's vocalization during transformation is to report to site command for use of SCP-500 an class-A
| - Item # SCP-2789 object class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2789 is contained in a 10x10x10 meter steel reinforced lined with several layers of silver holding cell in foundation site REDACTED. Every night except for a new moon, SCP-2789 is to be given heavy sedation in the full moon, and a waxing or waning crescent to be given light sedation, ETC. In the event of a containment breach, foundation personnel will be equipped with tranquilizer darts completely composed of silver. SCP-2789 is to be muzzled when anomalous properties occur and the audio in the cameras is permanently disabled, and no personnel, of any level of authority, may approve otherwise. Anyone who has heard SCP-2789's vocalization during transformation is to report to site command for use of SCP-500 an class-A amnesiac. all testing is to be done with noise cancellation headsets. Description: SCP-2789 is a humanoid male approximately 27 years of age, standing 1.6 meters in height and weighing in at 69 kilograms. Body hair on SCP-2789 is a heavy coating on the torso. SCP-2789 has a fascination of Canine, Vulpine, and Lupine animals. SCP-2789's intelligence seems to get higher as each night approaches. SCP-2789 is normally docile until the time changes to night unless the moon phase is new. it will begin to grow claws, increase in body hair and gains higher levels of speed, agility, dexterity, resiliency, durability, strength, and intelligence, but also grows more instinctive. SCP-2789 will take on a more lupine appearance as the phase of the moon changes, during the full moon, SCP-2789 will take on a full lupine state after a progression from it's previous stages from previous nights. Any type of eclipse, be it solar or lunar results in (DATA EXPUNGED). SCP-2789 appears to be able to consume any type of organic matter, even if it should normally compromise digestion, or cause excruciating pain or illness to both man and wolf. SCP-2789's howl is known to cause panic to any sentient organism that hears it. and will suffer from paranoia, nightmares, hallucinations, (DATA EXPUNGED). Most of these involve the subject or their loved ones being attacked by wolves dubbed SCP-2789-2. SCP-2789 claims these wolves to be it's "Pack", and that he is the alpha male. These individuals can be cured through the use of SCP-500, however it cannot reverse SCP-2789's transformation. The only known weakness of SCP-2789 in it's lupine state is silver, hence its use in containment. Addendum: 2789-682-01 SCP-2789 was used to consume SCP-682, or at the very least, demoralize the creature. SCP-2789 is in full lupine stage and rushes in to SCP-682's containment cell and howls. SCP-682 roars in fear and gets in a defensive position. SCP-2789 begins to chew on SCP-682's torso, SCP-2789 continues this for 6 hours before returning to his human state. SCP-682 immediately begins recovery and once again attempts a containment breach but fails.