TK-421 was the designation of a stormtrooper stationed aboard the first Death Star. TK-421 stared in his own Photo Novel series called "TK-421: A Stormtroopers Story" By Rebelscum user Jedi_Master_CPS.
TK-421 was the designation of a stormtrooper stationed aboard the first Death Star. TK-421 stared in his own Photo Novel series called "TK-421: A Stormtroopers Story" By Rebelscum user Jedi_Master_CPS.
TK-421 was a Stormtrooper stationed aboard the first Death Star during the Galactic Civil War. He stood guard in front of the Millennium Falcon after it was captured by the Death Star. Falling prey to deception, TK-421 answered a call for help coming from within the Millennium Falcon, where he was assaulted and stunned by Han Solo. TK-421's armor was taken by Luke Skywalker, who used it to move through the Death Star undetected.
TK-421 was een Imperial Stormtrooper die gelogeerd was aan boord van de Death Star I toen het station operationeel werd verklaard.
TK-421 era un Soldado Imperial que hacía guardia en la Estrella de la Muerte I.