| - A character, having faced an indifferent world for so long, finally gives up all pretense of trying. He does the bare minimum to try to get his job done and makes no effort of initiative elsewhere. He knows that whatever he tries isn't going to work, so it's just easier to be jaded and cynical, and right then to be constantly disappointed by plans that never work. This should not be confused with a related concept, Professional Slacker, which is when a character makes an aggressive effort to do as little work as possible. Examples of Stopped Caring include:
| - A character, having faced an indifferent world for so long, finally gives up all pretense of trying. He does the bare minimum to try to get his job done and makes no effort of initiative elsewhere. He knows that whatever he tries isn't going to work, so it's just easier to be jaded and cynical, and right then to be constantly disappointed by plans that never work. Depressing as that sounds, this trope is almost always played for comedy. This is because the trope is a popular part of Deadpan Snarker mentality. One of the benefits of not caring is that there's nothing stopping you from making cynical, ironic and humorous quips about the world around you. Granted, said character won't be much fun to be around since he makes these jokes at the expense of nearly everyone else, but again, he doesn't care, and it's not like anyone's going to have the guts to actually do something about it since his irritation doesn't go past his passive-aggressive sarcasm. This should not be confused with a related concept, Professional Slacker, which is when a character makes an aggressive effort to do as little work as possible. The meta-counterpart of They Just Didn't Care. When used seriously, the character has probably crossed the Despair Event Horizon. Compare Giving Up on Logic. Examples of Stopped Caring include: