| - Returning to Titans Tower, the Titans find Batman and Robin waiting for them. Robin instantly declares himself leader and demands that Beast Boy and Ravager leave. Beast Boy is held back, but Ravager isn't so caring and the two get into a scuffle, only to be stopped by Superboy and Kid Flash. Wonder Girl pulls Batman aside and asks why he's dumping Damian with them. Batman explains that he needs friends and companions and that being on the Titans is for the best. The Titans, however, aren't so sure after everything they just went through, feeling as though Damian is trying to replace Tim. However, their worrying is put on the backburner as the team heads for Silicon Valley.
There, they find a teen named Barney, who is threatening an expo with his emerging telekinetic powers. The team is held back by an army of quickly constructed mechanical bugs, only for Raven to break through and pull him into another plane. There, she is able to convince him to stand down, that they want to help. He agrees and the two return to their world, only for Robin to immediately attempt to take him out. In his rage, Barney tosses the Titans away and escapes. As the team recovers, Raven tells them that he had him and they realize what went wrong and glare at Robin as he looks on in confusion.