| - (Tirado and two soldiers approach the three)
* Tirado: That's enough. You've done well, Orson. I'll take over now. You may return to your beloved wife.(Orson turns into an enemy unit and runs past Tirado out of Renvall)
* Seth: Who are you?
* Tirado: We've never met. I am Tirado. Loyal and talented aide to Valter, general of the Grado army.
* Seth: You're that monster's--
* Tirado: And you are General Seth of Renais, yes? I thought to catch a little bird in my net, and it seems instead I've snared a hawk.
* Eirika: Where is my brother?!
* Tirado: Ah, yes. Your brother. He's not here. The coward fled Lord Valter's pursuit... Somehow, he escaped the castle. And escaping under these conditions... Tch! Such stubbornness is quite annoying. It was my cunning that led us
| - (Tirado and two soldiers approach the three)
* Tirado: That's enough. You've done well, Orson. I'll take over now. You may return to your beloved wife.(Orson turns into an enemy unit and runs past Tirado out of Renvall)
* Seth: Who are you?
* Tirado: We've never met. I am Tirado. Loyal and talented aide to Valter, general of the Grado army.
* Seth: You're that monster's--
* Tirado: And you are General Seth of Renais, yes? I thought to catch a little bird in my net, and it seems instead I've snared a hawk.
* Eirika: Where is my brother?!
* Tirado: Ah, yes. Your brother. He's not here. The coward fled Lord Valter's pursuit... Somehow, he escaped the castle. And escaping under these conditions... Tch! Such stubbornness is quite annoying. It was my cunning that led us to turn this unfortunate blunder to our advantage. I spread the rumors myself. I led the villagers to believe he was our prisoner. What better trap with which to catch his sweet, devoted sister?
* Eirika: My brother escaped?
* Tirado: Yes, but your no-doubt emotional reunion will have to wait until the afterlife. Let's end this, shall we? First, to destroy the bridge and cut off your only avenue of escape...(Tirado destroys the bridge)
* Tirado: All soldiers to arms! Kill the princess! Take her bracelet! (Where Seth and Eirika are)
* Seth: Princess Eirika, we have to get away from this place!
* Eirika: But how? The bridge is gone!
* Seth: Blast!
* Eirika: Oh, Brother... I'm so sorry. I...